Rasiqra Revulva is a Toronto-based queer femme writer, multi-media artist, editor, musician and performer. Revulva published two chapbooks, Cephalopography (words(on)pages press, 2016) and If You Forget the Whipped Cream, You’re No Good As A Woman (Gap Riot Press, 2018) prior to the publication of her first collection of poetry in 2020.

Cephalopography 2.0
Hamilton: Buckrider Books/Wolsak & Wynn, 2020.
Publisher’s Synopsis (From its website)
Cephalopography 2.0 is as much a passionate celebration of cephalopods in all their plurality and finery as it is a collection of poems exploring human identity and experience through the lens of these marine animals. These experiments with traditional poetic forms such as ghazals, tankas and cinquains, as well as more contemporary forms, make poems that are uniquely and beautifully composed. Cephalopography 2.0 plunges into the depths of human experience to daringly remark on the wild and transformative links between cephalopods and humanity beyond the land and the sea.