Nanci Lee is a poet and educator based in Nova Scotia. Lee was born to a Syrian father and a Chinese mother who gave her up for adoption.

Kingston: Brick Books, 2022.
E-Book (Access restricted to members of the university community)
Publisher’s Synopsis (From its website)
Nanci Lee’s debut explores 4th Century Su Hui’s palindrome of longing. Hsin arises from an ancient Chinese ethical philosophy, less a set of moral standards than an appeal to tune.
Heart-mind and nothingness are fair English translations of Hsin, but their tidiness risks losing some of the sharper, wider sides of absence and appetite. As a historical process, according to Hang Thaddeus T’ui-Chieh, Hsin frustrates, “the psychological fragmentation and compartmentalization of the West.”
Poetry (Chapbook)
Kingston: Thee Hellbox Press, 2016.
Letterpress chapbook printed and designed by Hugh Barclay.
Some pages with abstract watercolours.
Limited edition of 62 (69) copies.
These poems are reprinted in the section called “Untitled” in the collection Hsin published by Brick Books in 2022.
Publisher Brick Books