Marie Beath Badian is a Toronto-based playwright, actor and dramaturge. Her play Prairie Nurse was inspired by her mother’s experiences.

The Making of St. Jerome
Toronto: Playwrights Canada Press, 2017.
PS8603 .A33442 M35 2017
Publisher’s Synopsis (from its website)
Inspired by the shooting of a Filipino Canadian teenager by a police officer in Toronto, The Making of St. Jerome is a poignant look at the aftermath of an untimely death, the media’s role in the truth, and one family’s attempt to reconcile a haunting reality.

Prairie Nurse
Winnipeg: Scirocco Drama, 2017.
PS8603 .A33442 P73 2017
Publisher’s Synopsis (from its website)
Prairie Nurse, which premiered at the Blyth Festival, is a comedy about two Filipino nurses who come to work at a small-town Saskatchewan hospital in the late 1960s. Cultural clashes, personality differences, homesickness, and the amorous but dim-witted goalie from the local hockey team complicate the women’s lives. Based on the true story of her mother’s immigration to Canada, Badian’s play is part romantic comedy, part farce, and part cultural history.

Anthology (Drama)
Where is Here?: The Drama of Immigration
Badian, Marie-Beath. “Novena.” In Where is Here?: The Drama of Immigration. Volume 2, edited by Damiano Pietropaolo. Winnipeg: Scirocco Drama, 2005.
PS8309 .I49 W49 2005
Publisher’s Synopsis (from its website)
[Novena is] a play about a detached and estranged daughter’s return home to say a Novena for her father who is sick in the Philippines.
Marie Beath Badian personal website
Publisher Playwrights Canada Press
Publisher Scirocco Drama (an imprint of J. Gordon Shillingford Pubishing)