Alina Khawaja is a Pakistani-Canadian writer. She earned a BA in English, History and Creative Writing from the University of Toronto an a MA in Literatures of Modernity from the Toronto Metropolitan University.

Maya’s Laws of Love: A Novel
Toronto: Mira Books/Harlequin, 2024.
Publisher’s Synopsis (From its website)
Maya Mirza is so convinced she’s unlucky in love that she’s come up with a list of laws to explain it. Most importantly…
- Maya’s Law #1: Anything that can go wrong will go wrong.
But that’s about to change. Maya’s headed to Pakistan for an arranged marriage with a handsome, successful doctor who ticks all the right boxes. First comes marriage, then comes love—she’s sure of it. Except…
- Law #4: When you think you’re lucky, think again.
From the start, Maya’s journey is riddled with disaster, and the cynical lawyer seated next to her on the plane isn’t helping. When a storm leaves them stranded in Switzerland, she and Sarfaraz become unlikely travel companions through bus breakdowns and missed connections.
- Law #6: Trips are never smooth sailing.
And before long, Maya’s wondering whether she’s just experienced the ultimate in misfortune—finally meeting the right man a few days before she marries someone else. And Maya might just be the worst person to keep a secret.
- Law #18: If you’re overtired, you’ll always spill your guts.
But maybe, if she’s willing to bend some laws, this detour could take her somewhere totally—and wonderfully—unexpected.