Nasser Hussain earned a BA in English from Queen’s University, an MA in Creative Writing from the University of Windsor, and a PhD in English from the University of York (UK). He is a Lecturer in Literature and Creative Writing at Leeds Beckett University.

Love Language
Toronto: Coach House Books, 2023.
Publisher’s Synopsis (From its website)
Love Language loves language. These are poems that repeat and hypnotize as English becomes more absurd: from Apple’s terms and conditions to other poet’s love poems, from performance reports to pop songs, Hussain skillfully and joyfully toys with everyday texts to talk about love, to think about poems, to call out racism, to remind us that words can be fun. Allow these playful poems to woo you, to let you fall in love with language again.

Maps by Matthew Stephenson.
Toronto: Coach House Books, 2018.
PS8615 .U88 S59 2018
Publisher’s Synopsis (From its website)
Poems written only from three-letter airport codes demand a new kind of passport. Every major airport has a three-letter code from the International Air Transport Association. In perhaps history’s greatest-ever feat of armchair travel, Nasser Hussain has written a collection of poetry entirely from those codes. In a dazzling aeronautic feat of constraint-based writing, SKY WRI TEI NGS explores the relationship between language and place in a global context. Watch as words jet-set across the map, leaving a poetic flight path. See letters take flight (and leave their baggage behind).