Kyo Lee is a Korean Canadian high school student living in Waterloo, Ontario. She is the youngest winner of the CBC Poetry Prize and the youngest finalist for the RBC Bronwen Wallace Award. Lee’s poetry has been published in many literary magazines.

I Cut My Tongue on a Broken Country
Vancouver: Arsenal Pulp Press, 2025.
forthcoming in March 2025
Publisher’s Synopsis (From its website)
Lotus flowers, youthful hunger, and other temporary beauties intertwine to tell this coming-of-age story, a set of pulsating poems that move toward a distant memory or a flaming future.
Kyo Lee’s intimate debut poetry collection is simultaneously a vulnerable confession and a micro study of macro topics including lineage, family, war, and hope. i cut my tongue on a broken country explores the Asian American diaspora, queerness, girlhood, and the relationships between and within them, pushing and pulling on the boundaries of identity and language like a story trying to tell itself.
Publisher Arsenal Pulp Press