Jia Qing (Jiaqing) Wilson-Yang is a mixed-race trans woman of Chinese descent living in Toronto. She is a musician, poet, short story writer and novelist. Wilson-Yang earned a B.S.W. from York University and works with Toronto Metropolitan University’s Office of Sexual Violence Support and Education.

Small Beauty
Montréal, Québec: Metonym Press, 2016.
PS8645 .I567 S63 2016
Publisher’s Synopsis (From its website)
Small Beauty tells the story of Mei, who in coping with the death of her cousin abandons her life in the city to live in his now empty house in a small town. There she connects with his history as well as her own, learns about her aunt’s long-term secret relationship, and reflects on the trans women she left behind. She also brushes up against some local trans mysteries and gets advice from departed loved ones with a lot to say.
Awards and Honours
2016 Writers Trust of Canada–Dayne Ogilvie Prize for LGBT Emerging Writers (Honour of Distinction)
2017 Lambda Literary Awards–Best Transgender Fiction (Winner)