Shyamal Bagchee was born in India. He attended universities in Delhi, Hamilton, and Toronto, where he completed a Ph.D. in English literature at York University in 1981 with a dissertation titled, “Modernism, Post-modernism, and the Novels of John Fowles.” He has also edited a volume of new critical essays on Eugene O’Neill. Bagchee lives in St. Albert, Alberta. He is a professor emeritus of English at the University of Alberta in Edmonton.

Gabardine and Other Poems
Toronto: TSAR, 2004.
Publisher’s Synopsis (from its Fall 2004 Catalogue)
Written at locations as widely disparate as eastern India, northern Canada, western Bolivia, southern Ireland, and even the taxiway at Boston’s Logan airport, these poems explore the broad reach of the English erotic idiom. These are poems about love–sometimes licit though often not–lust, and the language of desire. Not primarily concerned with displacement or diasporic experience, they nevertheless reveal a deracinate and dark-limbed Krishna sort of fellow–reminiscent of classical Sanskrit erotic poetry–flitting in and out of these pages.
Selected Criticism and Interpretation
Chilana, Rajwant Singh. “Shyamal Bagchee.” In South Asian Writers in Canada: A Bio-Bibliographical Study. Surrey, BC: Asian Publications, 2017, 288.
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