Surjeet Kalsey was born in Punjab, India. She received her M.A. in English and Punjabi at the Punjab University Chandigarh. Kalsey moved to Canada to join her spouse Ajmer Rodé in 1974. In 1978, she completed an M.F.A. in creative writing and translation from the University of British Columbia, where her thesis was titled: Modern Punjabi Poetry: An Anthology. Her poetry and short stories have been published in an assortment of Canadian literary journals and many anthologies. Kalsey published her first collection of poetry in 1979 in Punjabi. Since then, she has published poetry, short stories and drama in English or Punjabi and has also edited collections of Canadian Punjabi literature and translated Punjabi poetry into English. For ten years, 1983-1994 Kalsey was the Punjabi Associate Editor of Toronto South Asian Review. Kalsey completed an M.Ed. in counselling psychology at the University of British Columbia and works as a family therapist. She lives in Burnaby, British Columbia.
Colours of My Heart: (Poems)
Chandigarh, India: Tarlochan Publishers, 2011.

Foot Prints of Silence: Poems
London, Ont.: Third Eye, 1988.

London, Ont.: Third Eye, 1999.

Speaking to the Winds: Poems
London, [Ont.]: Third Eye, 1982.

Anthology (Poetry)
Another Way to Dance
Kalsey, Surjeet, [Poem(s)]. In Another Way to Dance: Contemporary Asian Poetry from Canada and the United States, edited by Cyril Dabydeen. Toronto: TSAR Publications, 1996.
PS8283.A8 A67 1996
Anthology (Short stories)
Her Mother’s Ashes, and Other Stories by South Asian Women in Canada and the United States
Kalsey, Surjeet, “Crossing the Threshold.” In Her Mother’s Ashes, and Other Stories by South Asian Women in Canada and the United States, edited by Nurjehan Aziz. Toronto: TSAR Publications, 1994.
PS8329 .H47 1994
Anthology (Short stories)
The Whistling Thorn
Kalsey, Surjeet, “Mirage in the Cave.” In The Whistling Thorn: South Asian Canadian Fiction, edited by Suwanda Sugunasiri. Oakville, Ont.: Mosaic Press, 1994.
PS8329 .W55 1994

Anthology (Interview)
Kalsey, Surjeet and Ajmer Rodé, interview by Jurgen Hesse. In Voices of Change: Immigrant Writers Speak Out, edited by Jurgen Hesse. Vancouver: Pulp Press, 1990, 63-79.
Selected Criticism and Interpretation
Chilana, Rajwant Singh. “Surjeet Kalsey.” In South Asian Writers in Canada: A Bio-Bibliographical Study. Surrey, BC: Asian Publications, 2017, 152-153.
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