Nityanand (Nitin) Deckha was born in London, England but raised in Toronto, Ontario. He earned a Ph.D. in anthropology from Rice University, Houston, in 2000. His dissertation dealt with the historic preservation, community development and the emergent cultural quarter in inner city London. Deckha teaches at the University of Guelph-Humber, and at McMaster University. He was a contributor to Desi Life, a bi-monthly magazine formerly published by the Toronto Star.

The Real Estate of Things: A Novel
kindle ebook, 2015.
Publisher’s Synopsis
The Real Estate of Things is a comedic story about real estate, spirituality and politics in the sprawling, multicultural suburb of West York.
Fiction (Short stories)
Shopping for Sabzi: Stories
Toronto: TSAR, 2008.
PS8607.E389 S53 2008
Publisher’s Synopsis
Brash, young, and restless– Poignant and humorous, these stories describe the anxieties of ambitious young South Asians as they hustle for status, love, careers, and personal fulfillment in a new world.
Selected Criticism and Interpretation
Chilana, Rajwant Singh. “Nitin Deckha.” In South Asian Writers in Canada: A Bio-Bibliographical Study. Surrey, BC: Asian Publications, 2017, 236.
Z1376 .S68 C45 2017
Publisher Mawenzi House, formerly TSAR