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Jennifer Maruno

Jennifer Maruno is the spouse of a Japanese Canadian. Her juvenile novel When the Cherry Blossoms Fell is inspired by the true story of Eiko Maruno.

Fiction (Juvenile)

When the Cherry Blossoms Fell

Toronto: Napoleon Pub., 2009.

Publisher’s Synopsis (from its website)

Nine-year-old Michiko Minagawa bids her father good-bye before her birthday celebration. She doesn’t know the government has ordered all Japanese-born men out of the province. Ten days later, her family joins hundreds of Japanese-Canadians on a train to the interior of British Columbia. Even though her aunt Sadie jokes about it, they have truly reached the “Land of No”. There are no paved roads, no streetlights and not streetcars. The house in which they are to live is dirty and drafty. At school Michiko learns the truth of her situation. She must face local prejudice, the worst winter in forty years and her first Christmas without her father.


Maruno page from the Writers’ Union of Canada website

Publisher Napoleon Publishing