Deanna Fong was born in Edmonton, Alberta. She earned a PhD in English from Simon Fraser University in 2019. Her dissertation is entitled “Tales of the Tape: The Ontological, Discursive, and Ethical Lives of Literary Audio Artifacts.” Fong is a postdoctoral fellow in English and History at Concordia University in Montreal. Her research intersects the fields of Oral History and Literature through an investigation of listening and storytelling practices. With Ryan Fitzpatrick and Janey Dodd, Fong co-directs the audio/multimedia archive of Canadian poet Fred Wah, and has done substantial cataloguing and critical work on the audio archives of Japanese Canadian poet and painter Roy Kiyooka.

Butcher’s Block
Illustrated by Bilyana Ilievska
[Toronto]: PistolPress, 2008.
Publisher’s Synopsis (From its website)
Deanna Fong’s Butcher’s Block reflects on one’s emotional connection to fixed locales. Using the age-old conflation of food and sex as a vehicle, this collection of poetry negotiates consumption with wry language and poetic deftness, remembering the trail of people left behind when one balances a domestic and nomadic way of life.
Deanna Fong reads a poem in her kitchen (Youtube video).