Linzey Corridon is a mixed-race (Afro-Euro-Indo Caribbean) educator, and a Vincentian-Canadian poet and critic living in Hamilton, Ontario. Corridon is a doctoral candidate at McMaster University.

West of West Indian
Toronto: Mawenzi House, 2024.
e-book (access restricted to members of the university community)
Publisher’s Synopsis (From its website)
West of West Indian constructs the Queer Caribbean experience as simultaneously individual and collective, embracing the language that continues to unsettle queer life. The collection is, at once, a summons and a love letter to familiar figures like the Bullerman, the Chichiman, the Funny man, and the Anty man. It collects a distinctly queer Vincentian Canadian account of love and autonomy, and while it represents a written journey into queer pain, it is also an exhibition of pleasure flowing through the bodies and minds of its many subjects.
Publisher Mawenzi House