Paul Hong is a Toronto resident. In 1999 he graduated from the University of Western Ontario with an M.A. in Anthropology. His thesis is entitled: The Indian Restaurant and the (In-)visibility of Ethnicity in London, Ontario. Hong’s short stories have been published in literary journals and anthologies, including Toronto 2033.

Fiction (Short stories)
Your Love is Murder, Or The Case of the Mangled Pie
Toronto: Tightrope Books, 2006.
Publisher’s Synopsis (from its website)
Fall in love with Julia, an adolescent guerrilla; witness Robin wax philosophic with Batman on regret and loss. Paul Hong unloads animals, superheros, Korean children, and a Native elder into a big city that rhymes with Doronto. Any reader is like the detective that weaves through this collection of short stories to uncover everyday mysteries. Hong’s stories are a blend of hearsay, folklore and opaque traditions leading us to the simple treasures buried beneath our feet.
Publisher Tightrope Books
Paul Hong’s story “Neptune Square ascendant carp” in Toronto 2033, online version