Phuong Truong grew up in Ottawa and now lives in Toronto where she works in the book publishing industry. In a news release issued January 10, 2025, Margie Wolfe announced that she was transferring ownership of Second Story Press to Phuong Truong, who had been the general manager of the press for two decades. Truong earned a BCom from Queen’s University and completed the publishing program at Centennial College in Toronto.

Fiction (Juvenile, Picture book)
Everyone is Welcome
Illustrated by Christine Wei.
Toronto: Second Story Press, 2023.
Publisher’s Synopsis (From its website)
A little girl hears that her grandma’s friend, Mrs. Lee, was pushed on her way to the Asian market. Then she learns that Asian students at her brother’s school are afraid to walk to class, and she realizes something very wrong is happening to her community. How can life be so unfair? With her mom’s support and the help of her friends, she sets out to do something kind for Mrs. Lee.

Fiction (Juvenile, Chapter book)
Every Little Bit Olive Tran
Toronto: Second Story Press, 2025.
Olive Tran series; bk. 1.
forthcoming Feb. 2025
Publisher’s Synopsis (From its website)
Olive Tran is turning ten! Now she can walk to school by herself and go to Kandy Korner whenever she wants. Finally!
But when Olive finds out Mrs. Ly was pushed on the street and her brother’s school friends had gross things thrown at them because they’re Asian, she starts to feel less safe. And why doesn’t her best friend Josh want to come to her birthday party at the trampoline park anymore?
Olive knows something is wrong, but she is determined to have fun at her party. If she shows kindness, maybe others will too. Every little bit counts!

Fiction (Juvenile, Chapter book)
Take a Breath Olive Tran
Illustrations by Christine Wei.
Toronto: Second Story Press, 2025.
Olive Tran series ; bk. 2.
forthcoming Sept. 2025.
Publisher’s Synopsis (From its website)
The school talent show is coming up, and Olive Tran is desperate to enter. The best act wins a party for their entire class, and Olive is determined to be the hero who brings home the pizza!
But Olive has one big problem: What exactly is her talent? The more she struggles to find it, the more anxious she becomes. How can she win the talent show with no talent? It doesn’t help that her brother Ben is a piano prodigy. If only good intentions and a sassy attitude were enough! Can Olive find a way to score the pizza party for her friends? And why does she want to win so badly anyway?
Selected Criticism and Interpretation
Truong, Phuong. Interview about Second Story Press with Fawn Parker. Ampersand Review of Writing & Publishing. No. 2 (Summer 2022), p. 75-76.
Publisher Second Story Press