Deepa Rajagopalan was born to Indian parents in Saudi Arabia. She has lived in India, the United States and Canada. Rajagopalan has an MFA in creative writing from the University of Guelph in Ontario, Canada.

Fiction (Short stories)
Peacocks of Instagram: Stories
Toronto: Astoria / House of Anansi Press, 2024.
Publisher’s Synopsis (From its website)
An underappreciated coffee shop server haunted by her past attracts thousands of followers on social media with her peacock jewellery. A hotel housekeeper up against a world of gender and class inequity quietly gets revenge on her chauvinist boss. And a foster child, orphaned in an accident directly attributable to climate change, brings down her foster father, an oil lobbyist, in spectacular fashion.
With an intense awareness of privilege and the lack of it, the fourteen stunning stories in Peacocks of Instagram explore what it means to be safe, to survive, and to call a place home.
Awards and Honours
2024 Giller Prize (Finalist)