Steffi Tad-y is a poet and writer originally from Manila who now lives in Vancouver. Tad-y is a graduate of Simon Fraser University’s The Writer’s Studio.

From the Shoreline
Guelph, ON: Gordon Hill Press, 2022.
Publisher’s Synopsis (From its website)
Steffi Tad-y’s debut collection brings forward diasporic experience as it intersects with mental illness. Family history and work lyrics occur against a tonal backdrop of the carceral. Yet Tad-y brings a tenderness to these fraught circumstances, finding beauty in detail and repetitive acts of love, in part due to the use of a multiplicity of forms that render a surplus of affect into beautiful images. Though danger properly exists in Tad-y’s world, her poetry takes its own advice in “Writer’s Archive”: “Look. Enough. Each full stop unspooling / the cardinal & bluebird privacy of things.”
Poetry (Chapbook)
I Didn’t Want to be Read | I Wanted to be Believed In
Victoria, BC: Frog Hollow Press, 2019
Dis/Ability series ; no. 13.
Limited edition of 100 numbered copies.
Poetry (Chapbook)
Vancouver: Rahila’s Ghost Press, 2021.
Steffi Tad-y personal website
Publisher Frog Hollow Press
Publisher Gordon Hill Press
Publisher Rahila’s Ghost Press