Layla Ahmad was born in Toronto and spent her childhood in New Jersey. Ahmad now lives in the Toronto area where she works in media and marketing. Her first picture book, When Mom’s Away, is a collaboration with her mother, illustrator Farida Zaman.

Fiction (Juvenile, Picture book)
When Mom’s Away
Illustrated by Farida Zaman.
Toronto: Second Story Press, 2021.
Publisher’s Synopsis (From its website)
The Covid-19 pandemic, which seems to be taking some time to go away, has meant big changes for one little girl’s family.
Things are changing for one little girl whose mom is a busy doctor. When her mom has to be in quarantine—sleeping on a cot in their garage to keep the family safe from the virus—the girl does her best to be brave. She and her dad spend time together, she goes to school online, and she helps her grandparents too…making sure to wave so they know it’s her!
They join their neighbours outside to thank the doctors and nurses around the world for their hard work. But of course the highlight of the day is when mom comes home, and they wave to each other through the window. A great story to inspire hope and confidence in both little ones and big ones when times may seem uncertain.
Publisher Second Story Press