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Select Toronto Metropolitan University Library Resources:

General Works

Alvi, Sajida, Homa Hoodfar, and Sheila McDonough, eds. The Muslim Veil in North America: Issues and Debates. Toronto: Women’s Press, 2003
GT2112 .M88 2003

Ashworth, Mary.  The Forces Which Shaped Them: A History of the Education of Minority Group Children in British Columbia.  Vancouver: New Star Books, 1979.
LC3734.2 B7 A84

Asian Canadian Symposium (7th : 1986 : University of Manitoba). Asian Canadians: Contemporary Issues: Selections From the Proceedings … K. Victor Ujimoto and Josephine Naidoo, eds. Guelph, Ont.: University of Guelph, 1987.
FC106 .A74 A74 1986

Asian Canadian Wiki

Asian Heritage Month 2017. Website created by the Department of Canadian Heritage. Accessed 9 April 2018.

Asianadian: An Asian Canadian Magazine. Vol. 1, no. 1 (1978)-vol. 6 no. 4 (1985).

Beyer, Peter, and Rubina Ramji, eds.  Growing up Canadian: Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists.  Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2013.
BL625.9 .I55 G76 2013

Citizenship, Immigration and Ethnic Groups in Canada: A Bibliography of Research, 1920-1958. Ottawa: Dept. of Citizenship and Immigration, 1960.
Z7164 .I3 C28
Also supplementary vols. for 1959-1961, 1962-1964 and later title: Immigration, Migration and Ethnic Groups in Canada: A Bibliography of Research 1964-1968. Ottawa: Dept. of Manpower and Immigration, 1969.
Z7164 .I3 C282

Colomba, Roland Sintos, and Gordon Pon, eds. Asian Canadian Studies Reader. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2017.
FC106 .A75 A74 2017

DeVries, Larry, Don Baker, and Dan Overmyer, eds.  Asian Religions in British Columbia.  Vancouver: UBC Press, 2010.
BL2530 .C3 A85 2010

Fay, Terence J. New Faces of Canadian Catholics: The Asians. Toronto: Novalis, 2009.
BX1421.3 .F39 2009

Gilmour, Julie F. Trouble on Main Street: Mackenzie King, Reason, Race and the 1907 Vancouver Riots. Toronto: Allen Lane, 2014.
FC3847.4 .G54 2014

Gregorovich, Andrew. Canadian Ethnic Groups Bibliography: A Selected Bibliography of Ethno-cultural Groups in Canada and the Province of Ontario. Toronto: Ontario Dept. of the Provincial Secretary and Citizenship, 1972.
Z1395 .F6 G7
Also Supplement 1, 1972-1979 issued as: A Bibliography of Canada’s Peoples. 10th floor Z1395 .E4 G742 1993

Hall, Patricia Wong, and Victor M. Hwang, eds. Anti-Asian Violence in North America: Asian American and Asian Canadian Reflections on Hate, Healing, and Resistance. Walnut Creek, Ca: AltaMira Press, 2001.
HV6250.5 .E75 A57 2001

Halli, Shivalingappa S. How Minority Status Affects Fertility: Asian Groups in Canada. New York: Greenwood Press, 1987.
HB939 .H35 1987

Harding, John S., Victor Sogen Hori, and Alexander Soucy, eds.  Wild Geese: Buddhism in Canada.  Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2010.
BQ742 .B84 2010

Khan, Shahnaz. Aversion and Desire: Negotiating Muslim Female Identity in the Disapora. Toronto: Women’s Press, 2002
HQ1460 .T6 K52 2002

Kim, Hana, ed. Asian Canadian Voices: Facets of Diversity. Toronto: Cheng Yu Tung East Asian Library, University of Toronto, 2023.

Laquian, Eleanor, and Aprodicio Laquian and Terry McGee, eds.  The Silent Debate: Asian Immigration and Racism in Canada.  Vancouver: Institute of Asian Research, University of British Columbia, 1998.
FC106 .A75 S55 1998

Laut, Agnes C. Am I My Brother’s Keeper? A Study of British Columbia’s Labor & Oriental Problems. Vancouver: Subway Books, 2003.
HD8109 .L39 2003

Lee, Josephine, and Imogene L. Lim and Yuko Matsukawa, eds.  Re/collecting Early Asian Amererica: Essays in Cultural History.  Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 2002.
E184 .A75 R43 2002

Madakoro, Laura, and Francine Mackenzie and David Meren, eds. Dominion of Race: Rethinking Canada’s International History. Vancouver: UBC Press, 2017.
Online; Access restricted to members of the TMU community

Magosci, Paul Robert, ed. Encyclopedia of Canada’s Peoples. Toronto: Published for the Multicultural History Society of Ontario by the University of Toronto Press, 1999.
FC104 .E56 1999.

McLellan, Janet. Many Petals of the Lotus: Five Asian Buddhist Communities in Toronto. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1999.
FC3097.9.B82 M34 1999

Nimer, Mohamed. The North American Muslim Resource Guide: Muslim Community Life in the United States and Canada. New York: Routledge, 2002.
BP67 .A1 N57 2002

Ontario. Asian Heritage Act, 2005. S.O. 2005, c. 10. Available online from the Government of Ontario website. Accessed 19 May 2015.

Orientations: Lesbian & Gay Asians. Produced and directed by Richard Fung. 56 min. Richard Fung, 1984. Videocassette.
Audio-Visual HQ76.3 .C22 O57 1984

Satzewich, Vic. Racism in Canada. Don Mills, ON: Oxford University Press, 2011.
FC104 .S2893 2011

Song, Nam Soon, ed. [with others]. People of Faith, People of Jeong (Qing): The Asian Canadian Churches of Today for Tomorrow. Eugene, OR: Wipf  & Stock, 2020.
e-book (Access restricted to members of the university community)

Ujimoto, K. Victor, and Gordon Hirabayashi, eds. Visible Minorities and Multiculturalism: Asians in Canada. Toronto: Butterworths, 1980.
FC106 .O6 V58

Ward, W. Peter. White Canada Forever: Popular Attitudes and Public Policy Toward Orientals in British Columbia. Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 1978.
FC3850 .O6 W36

Ward, W. Peter. White Canada Forever: Popular Attitudes and Public Policy Toward Orientals in British Columbia. 3rd ed. Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2002.
FC3850 .O6 W36 2002

Witness to Loss: Race, Culpability, and Memory in the Dispossession of Japanese Canadians, Edited by Jordan Stanger-Ross and Pamela Sugiman. Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2017.
FC106 .J3 W58 2017

Chinese Canadians

Aiken, Rebecca B. Montreal Chinese Property Ownership and Occupational Change, 1881-1981. New York: AMS Press, 1989.
FC2947.9 .C5 A5 1989

Anderson, Kay J. Vancouver’s Chinatown: Racial Discourse in Canada, 1875-1980. Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 1991.
FC3847 .C5 A63 1991

Bates, Judy Fong. The Year of Finding Memory: A Memoir. Toronto: Random House of Canada, 2010.
PS8553 .A827 Z478 2010

Burney, Sheila.  Coming to Gum San: The Story of Chinese Canadians.  Toronto: D.C. Heath Canada for the Multicultural History Society of Ontario, 1995.

Canada. Royal Commission Appointed to Investigate Methods by which Oriental Labourers have been Induced to come to Canada.  Report of the Royal Commission Appointed to Inquire into the Methods by which Oriental Labourers have been Induced to come to Canada.  Ottawa: Government Printing Bureau, 1908.  (Commissioner: William Lyon Mackenzie King)  Available from the Privy Council Office website on Commissions of Inquiry.

Canada.  Commission to Investigate Alleged Chinese Frauds and Opium Smuggling on the Pacific Coast.  Report of Mr. Justice Murphy, Royal Commissioner Appointed to Investigate Alleged Chinese Frauds and Opium Smuggling on the Pacific Coast, 1910-11.  Ottawa: Government Printing Bureau, 1913.  (Commissioner: Dennis Murphy)  Available from the Privy Council Office website on Commissions of Inquiry.

Canada. Royal Commission on Chinese and Japanese Immigration.  Report of the Royal Commission on Chinese and Japanese Immigration.  Session 1902.  Ottawa: S. E. Dawson, 1902. (Commission chair: Roger Conger Clute) Available from the Privy Council Office website on Commissions of Inquiry.

Canada. Royal Commission on Chinese Immigration. Report of the Royal Commission on Chinese Immigration: Report and Evidence.  Ottawa: Printed by order of the Commission, 1885.  (Commissioners: Joseph Adolphe Chapleau and John Hamilton Gray) Available from Early Canadiana Online. Also available on the Privy Council Office website on Commissions of Inquiry.

Canada. Royal Commission to Investigate Losses by the Chinese Population of Vancouver, British Columbia, on the Occasion of the Riots in That City in September, 1907. Report by W.L. Mackenzie King, C.M.G., Deputy Minister of Labour, Commissioner Appointed to Investigate Into the Losses Sustained by the Chinese Population of Vancouver, B.C. on the Occasion of the Riots in That City in September, 1907.  Ottawa: S. E. Dawson, 1908.  (Commissioner William Lyon Mackenzie King)  Available from Early Canadiana Online. Also available from the Privy Council Office website on Commissions of Inquiry.

Cannon, Margaret. China Tide: The Revealing Story of the Hong Kong Exodus to Canada. Toronto: Harper & Collins, 1989.
JV7285 .C45 C35

Cedar and Bamboo.   Directed by Diana Leung and Kamala Todd.  Produced by Jennifer Lau and Karin Lee on behalf of the Chinese Canadian Historical Society of B.C.  22 min. Distributed by Moving Images, 2010. 1 DVD.
Audio-Visual FC106 .C5 C44 2010

Chan, Anthony B. Gold Mountain: The Chinese in the New World. Vancouver: New Star Books, 1983.
FC106.C5 C49

Chan, Arlene.  The Chinese Community in Toronto: Then and Now.  Toronto: Dundurn Press, 2013.
FC3097.9 .C5 C49 2013 (This vol. is written for a juvenile audience.)

Chan, Arlene.  The Chinese Head Tax and Anti-Chinese Immigration Policies in the Twentieth Century.  Toronto: James Lorimer, 2014.
FC1060 .C5 C47 2014 (Although written for a juvenile audience, the illustrative material will reward all researchers.)

Chan, Arlene.  The Chinese in Toronto From 1878: From Outside to Inside the Circle.  Toronto: Dundurn Press, 2011.
FC3097.9 .C5 C519 2011

Chan, Kwok B. Smoke and Fire: The Chinese in Montreal. Hong Kong: Chinese University Press, 1991.
FC2947.9 .C5 C45 1991

Chen, Zhongping. Transpacific Reform and Revolution: The Chinese in North America, 1898-1918. Stanford, Calif: Stanford University Press, 2023.
E49.2 .C5 C54 2023

Cheung, Helen Kwan Yee. Mercantile Mobility: Chinese Merchants in Western Canada. Edmonton: University of Alberta Press, 2023.
F1060.97.C5 C44 2022

Chiang, Hung-Min. Chinese Islanders:Making a Home in the New World. Charlottetown, PEI: Island Studies Press, 2006.
FC2650 .C5 C45 2006

Chinese-Canadian Artifacts Project. A University of Victoria BC Legacy Project. Accessed 9 April 2018.

Chinese Canadian Historical Photo Exhibition. Toronto: Chinese Canadian National Council, Toronto Chapter, [1997?]. Online document. Available from Accessed 29 April 2003. View document online

Chinese Canadian Military Museum (Vancouver, B.C.). Website.

Chinese Canadian National Council, Women’s Book Committee. Jin Guo: Voices of Chinese Canadian Women. Toronto: Women’s Press, 1992.
FC106 .C5 J56 1992

Chinese Canadian– Since 1858.  Calgary Chinese Cultural Centre‘s website on the history of Chinese in Canada with a special emphasis on Alberta.

Chinese Canadian Stories = Histoires sino-canadiennes.  Vancouver: Produced by Chinese Canadian Stories, University of British Columbia, 2011.  173 min.  2 DVDs.  Project lead Henry Yu, project manager Denise Fong.  This is a collection of 14 short documentary films featuring interviewees from the Chinese Canadian community members in Vancouver, Saskatchewan, Montreal and Nova Scotia.
Audio-Visual FC106 .C5 C557 2012

Chinese Canadian Women, 1923-1967. Website hosted by the Multicultural History Society of Ontario. Launched March 31, 2011. Connect to the Website

Chinese History in Toronto.  City of Toronto Archives guide to resources on this topic.

The Chinese in Ontario. Toronto: Multicultural History Society of Ontario, 2000. (Polyphony v. 15 (2000))

Cho, Lily. Eating Chinese: Culture on the Menu in Small Town Canada. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2010.
FC106 .C5 C58 2010

Chong, Denise. The Concubine’s Children. Toronto: Penguin, 1995.
FC3850 .C5 C5 1995

Chong, Denise.  Lives of the Family: Stories of Fate & Circumstance.  Toronto: Random House Canada, 2013.
FC3096.9 .C5 C46 2013

Chow, Lily. Blossoms in the Gold Mountains: Chinese Settlements in the Fraser Canyon and the Okanagan. Prince George, B.C.: Caitlin Press, 2018
FC3850 .C5 C546 2018

Chow, Lily. Chasing Their Dreams: Chinese Settlement in the Northwest Region of British Columbia. Prince George, B.C.: Caitlin Press, 2000.
FC3850 .C5 C55 2000

Chow, Lily. Hard is the Journey: Stories of Chinese Settlement in British Columbia’s Kootenay. Qualicum Beack, B.C.: Caitlin Press, 2022.
FC3850.C5 C554 2022

Chow, Lily. Sojourners in the North. Prince George, B.C.: Caitlin Press, 1996.
FC3850 .C5 C56 1996

Choy, Wayson. Paper Shadows: A Chinatown Childhood. Toronto: Penguin Books, 2000.
PS8555 .H6658 Z53 2000

Coping With Racism: The Chinese Experience in Canada.  Special issue of: Canadian Ethnic Studies, v. 19, no. 3 (1987)
online journal; also in print or microform

Crean, Susan. Finding Mr. Wong. Vancouver: Talonbooks, 2018.
PS8555.R413 Z46 2018

DeMont, John, and Thomas Fennell. Hong Kong Money: How Chinese Families and Fortunes are Changing Canada. Toronto: Key Porter Books, 1989.
HG5152 .D46 1986

Dere, William Ging Wee. Being Chinese in Canada: The Struggle for Identity, Redress and Belonging. Madeira Park, BC: Douglas & McIntyre, 2019.
Electronic book, Access restricted to members of the TMU community.

Earth to Mouth.  Directed by Yung Chang.  Montréal : National Film Board of Canada, 2002. 42 min. 1 DVD, also available as a streamed video.  Documents one year at the Wing Wong Farm in Clarington, Ontario.
Audio-Visual FC106 .C5 E3 2002

Hoe, Ban Seng. Beyond the Golden Mountain: Chinese Cultural Traditions in Canada. Hull, Quebec: Canadian Museum of Civilization, 1989.
FC106 .O5 H63 1989

Hoe, Ban Seng. Enduring Hardship: The Chinese Laundry in Canada. Gatineau, Quebec: Canadian Museum of Civilization, 2003.
HD8039 .L3 H63 2003

Hoy Price, Lily. I am Full Moon: Stories of a Ninth Daughter. Victoria, B.C.: Brindle & Glass, 2009.
FC3849 .Q48 Z49 2009

Huang, Evelyn, with Lawrence Jeffery. Chinese Canadians: Voices From a Community. Vancouver: Douglas & McIntyre, 1992.
FC106 .C5 H85 1992

Hui, Ann. Chop Suey Nation: The Legion Cafe and Other Stories from Canada’s Chinese Restaurants. Madeira Park, BC: Douglas & McIntyre, 2019.
TX945.4 .H85 2019

Ikebuchi, Shelly. From Slave Girls to Salvation: Gender, Race, and Victoria’s Chinese Rescue Home, 1886-1923. Vancouver: UBC Press, 2015.
e-book; Access restricted to members of the TMU community

In the Shadow of Gold Mountain.  Directed by Karen Cho.  Produced by Tamara Lynch.  Montréal : National Film Board of Canada, 2004. 43 min.  1 DVD.  Also available as a streamed video.
(Reserve; Audio-Visual) FC106 .C5 I47 2004

Lai, David Chuenyan. Chinatowns: Towns Within Cities in Canada. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 1988.
FC106 .C5 L34 1988

Lai, David Chuenyan. Chinese Community Leadership: Case Study of Victoria in Canada. Singapore: World Scientific, 2010.
e-book; Access restricted to members of the TMU community

Lai, David Chuenyan and Guo Ding. Great Fortune Dream: The Struggles and Triumphs of Chinese Settlers in Canada, 1858-1966. Halfmoon Bay, BC: Caitlin Press, 2016.
FC106 .C5 L35 2016

Lee, Edwin S. Sum Yung Guys: Untold Stories About Growing Up in Vancouver’s Chinatown. [Surrey, BC: Edwin Lee], 2014.
FC3847,26 ,L44 S95 2014

Lee, Wai-man. Portraits of a Challenge: An Illustrated History of the Chinese Canadians. Toronto: Council of Chinese Canadians in Ontario, 1984.
FC106 .C5 L47 1984

Li, Jessica Tsui-yan, ed. The Transcultural Streams of Chinese Canadian Identities. Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2019.
E-book (Access restricted to members of the university community)

Li, Julia Ningyu, ed. Canadian Steel, Chinese Grit: A Tribute to the Chinese Who Worked on Canada’s Railroads More Than a Century Ago. Toronto?: Distributed by Paxlink Communications, 2000.
FC106 .C5 C37 2000

Li, Peter S. The Chinese in Canada. 2nd ed. Toronto: Oxford University Press, 1998. [1st ed. 1988 also available]
FC106 .C5 L5 1998; FC106 .C5 L5 1988

Library and Archives Canada. Immigrants from China, 1885-1949. Accessed 9 April 2018.

Lindsay, Colin. The Chinese Community in Canada, 2001. Ottawa: Statistics Canada, 2007. Electronic resource in HTML format viewed Feb. 6, 2008.

Ling, Huping, ed.  Asian America: Forming New Communities, Expanding Boundaries.  New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press, 2009.
E184 .A75 A816 2009
(Includes: Li, Peter, “The Social Construction of Chinese in Canada” and Zong, Li, “Recent Mainland Chinese Immigrants in Canada: Trends and Obstacles”.)

Ma, Adrian. How the Chinese Created Canada. Edmonton: Dragon Hill, 2010.
FC106 .C5 M18 2010

Mar, Lisa Rose. Brokering Belonging: Chinese in Canada’s Exclusion Era, 1885-1945. New York: Oxford University Press, 2010. (Also issued: Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2010)
FC3850 .C5 M298 2010

Marshall, Alison R. Cultivating Connections: The Making of Chinese Prairie Canada. Vancouver: UBC Press, 2014.
e-book, access restricted to TMU community members

Marshall, Alison R. The Way of the Bachelor: Early Chinese Settlement in Manitoba. Vancouver: UBC Press, 2011.
FC3400 .C5 M37 2011

My Chinatown. Edited by Chinese Canadian National Council Toronto Chapter. Toronto: Toart Communications Ltd., 2010.
FC3846.9 .C5 M92 2010

My Story. By Chinese Canadian Seniors. Toronto: Chinese Canadian National Council Toronto Chapter, 2007.
FC3846.9 .C5 M924 2007

Ng, Nancy. No, Really, Where are You From? Personal Stories of Chinese Identity Retention and Loss. Edmonton, Alberta: Nancy Ng, 2012.

Ng, Wing Chung. The Chinese in Vancouver, 1945-1980: The Pursuit of Identity and Power. Vancouver: UBC Press, 1999.
FC3847.9 .C45 N46 1999

Operation Oblivion. Produced by Micol Marotti, and Bradley Lee. Director, Jeff Halligan. Script, Micol Marotti. Music, Arthur Yeung. 61 min. Toronto: Monkey Media Productions, 2012. This documentary film in HD and animation tells the remarkable story of a group of 13 Chinese Canadian civilians who were trained by the British Secret Service (Special Operations executive), for Operation Oblivion- a covert “suicide” mission that would parachute them in the jungles of the Pacific to fight the Japanese during World War II.
Available as streamed video from the OMNI Television website.

Perrault, E. G. Tong: The Story of Tong Louie, Vancouver’s Quiet Titan. Madeira Park, B.C.: Harbour Publishing, 2002.
FC3847.26 .L68 P47 2002

Poy, Vivienne. Heroes & Gamblers: Tales of Survival and Good Fortune of the Poy Family. Toronto: Calyan Publishing, 2015.
FC106 .C5 P659 2015

Poy, Vivienne.  Passage to Promise Land: Voices of Chinese Immigrant Women to Canada.  Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2013.
FC106 .C5 P69 2013

Remembering 1923: The 100th Anniversary of the Chinese Exclusion Act (Chinese Immigration Act); Project Curated by Catherine Clement

The Road Chosen: The Story of Lem Wong. Written and directed by Keith Lock. Produced by White Pine Pictures. Producer, Peter Raymont. 23 min. Distributed in Canada by McNabb & Connolly, 1997. Videorecording.
Audio-Visual FC106 .C5 R62 1997

Roy, Patricia E.  Triumph of Citizenship: The Japanese and Chinese in Canada, 1941-67.  Vancouver: UBC Press, 2007.
FC3850 .C5 R688 2007

Seto, William, and Larry N. Shyu. The Chinese Experience in New Brunswick: A Historical Perspective. Fredericton, NB: Chinese Cultural Association of New Brunswick, [1985-1989]

Spirit of the Dragon. Written, produced and directed by Gil Gavreau. 26 min. Magic Lantern, 2002. 1 Videocassette.  This is a documentary about Jean Lumb, social reformer and the first Chinese-Canadian to receive an Order of Canada.
Audio-Visual FC106.C5 S65 2002

Stanley, Timothy John.  Contesting White Supremacy: School Segregation, Anti-racism and the Making of Chinese Canadians.  Vancouver: UPC Press, 2011.
FC3850.C5 S73 2011

Tan, Jin-Yan, and Patricia E. Roy. The Chinese in Canada. Ottawa: Canadian Historical Association, 1985.
FC106 .C5 T36 ; also available to the TMU community as an e-book

The Ties That Bind: Building the CPR, Building a Place in Canada. Website hosted by the Multicultural History Society of Canada. Site relaunched with video as well as audio content on March 31, 2011. Connect to the website.

Tsang, Henry. White Riot: The 1907 Anti-Asian Riots in Vancouver. Vancouver: Arsenal Pulp Press, 2023.
HV6485.C32 V357 2023

Under the Willow Tree: Pioneer Chinese Women in Canada. Directed by Dora Nipp. Produced by Margaret Wong. 52 min. Montreal: National Film Board of Canada, 1997. 1 VHS Videocassette.
Audio-Visual FC106 .C5 U52 1997

Wallace B. Chung and Madeline H. Chung Collection. The Other Side of Gold Mountain: Glimpses of Chinese Pioneer Life on the Prairies from the Wallace B. Chung and Madeline H. Chung Collection. Edmonton: University of Alberta Libraries, 2010.
FC3250 .C5 W35 2010

Wolf, Jim, and Patricia Owen. Yi Fao: Speaking Through Memory: A History of New Westminster’s Chinese Community 1858-1980. Surrey, B.C.: Heritage House, 2008.
FC3849.N49 Z7 2008

Wong, David H. T.  Escape to Gold Mountain: A Graphic History of the Chinese in North America.  Vancouver: Arsenal Pulp Press, 2012.
FC106 .C5 W65 2012

Wong, Janice. Chow: From China to Canada: Memories of Food + Family. North Vancouver, B.C.: Whitecap, 2005.
TX724.5 .C5 W663 2005

Wong, Lloyd L., ed. Trans-Pacific Mobilities: The Chinese and Canada. Vancouver: UBC Press, 2017.
e-book, access restricted to TMU community members

Wong, May Q.  A Cowherd in Paradise: From China to Canada.  [Surrey, B.C.]: Brindle & Glass, 2012.
FC2950 .C5 W65 2012

Wright, Richard. In a Strange Land: A Pictorial Record of the Chinese in Canada, 1788-1923. Saskatoon: Western Producer Prairie Books, 1988.
FC3230 .C5 W75 1988

Yee, Paul. Chinatown : An Illustrated History of the Chinese Communities of Victoria, Vancouver, Calgary, Winnipeg, Toronto, Ottawa, Montréal, and Halifax. Toronto: James Lorimer, 2005.
FC106.C5 Y428 2005

Yee, Paul. Saltwater City: An Illustrated History of the Chinese in Vancouver. Rev. ed. Vancouver: Douglas & McIntyre, 2006.
FC3847.9 .C45 Y43 2006

Yee, Paul. Struggle and Hope: The Story of Chinese Canadians. Toronto: Umbrella Press, 1996.
PZ9 .Y43 1996 (This volume is written for a juvenile audience.)

Yorath, C. J. A Measure of Value: The Story of the D’Arcy Island Leper Colony. Victoria, B.C.: TouchWood Editions, 2000.
RC154.55 .C32 D378 2000

Young, Elliott. Alien Nation: Chinese Migration in the Americas from the Coolie Era through World War II. Chapel Hill, N.C.: University of North Carolina Press, 2014.
e-book, access restricted to TMU community members

Japanese Canadians

Adachi, Ken. Enemy That Never Was: A History of the Japanese Canadians. Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, 1976.
FC106 .J3 A33 1976

Ayukawa, Michiko Midge.  Hiroshima Immigrants in Canada, 1891-1941.  Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 2008.
FC106 .J3 A98 2008

Bangarth, Stephanie. Voices Raised in Protest: Defending North American Citizens of Japanese Ancestry, 1942-49. Vancouver, B.C.: UBC Press, 2008.
E184 .J3 B36 2008

Borden, Robert Laird. The Question of Oriental Immigration: Speeches (In Part) Delivered by R.L. Borden, M.P., in 1907 and 1908. [Place of publication and publisher unknown, 1908?] Digitized copy available from the Internet Archive:

Caldarola, Carlo. Sakura in the Land of the Maple Leaf: Japanese Cultural Traditions in Canada. Gatineau: Canadian Museum of Civilization, 2007.
FC106 .J3 C34 2007

Calgary Japanese Community Association.  Okage Sama De = I Am What I Am Because of You.  Calgary: Calgary Japanese Community Association, 2012.
FC106 .J3 N34 2012

Canada. Commission to Inquire into Charges Contained in Articles in the Vancouver News Herald under the Heading “Nippon Black Dragon operates within British Columbia”.  Report of His Honour Judge J. C. A. Cameron Re Japanese Inquiry at Vancouver, B.C. 1942.  [Typescript], 1942.  (Commission chair: John Charles Alexander Cameron)  Available from the Privy Council Office website for Commissions of Inquiry.

Canada. Commission to Inquire into the Provision made for the Persons of the Japanese Race in Settlements in British Columbia. [Report] [Typescript], 1944. (Commission chair: F. W. Jackson) Available from the Privy Council Office website for Commissions of Inquiry.

Canada. Royal Commission on Chinese and Japanese Immigration.  Report of the Royal Commission on Chinese and Japanese Immigration.  Session 1902.  Ottawa: S. E. Dawson, 1902. (Commission chair: Roger Conger Clute) Available from the Privy Council Office website on Commissions of Inquiry.

Canada. Royal Commission Regarding Losses Sustained by the Japanese Population of Vancouver, British Columbia, on the Occasion of the Riots in that City in September, 1907.  Report by W. L. Mackenzie King, C. M. G., Deputy Minister of Labour, Commissioner, Appointed to Investigate into Losses Sustained by the Japanese Population of Vancouver, B. C., on the Occasion of the Riots in that City in September, 1907.  Ottawa: S. E. Dawson, 1908.  (Commissioner: William Lyon Mackenzie King) Available from the Privy Council Office website on Commissions of Inquiry.

Canada. Royal Commission to Investigate Property Claims of Canadian Citizens of Japanese Origin Evacuated from Coast Areas of British Columbia in 1942. [Report] Sessional Paper No. 185A, 1950(Commissioner: Henry Irvine Bird)  Available from the Privy Council Office website for Commissions of Inquiry.

Children of Redress. Produced, directed, photographed and edited by Greg Masuda. Vancouver, B.C.: Masuda Media, 2014.
Audio Visual FC106 .J3 C457 2014

Findlay, Kaitlin. “The Bird Commission, Japanese Canadians, and the Challenge of Reparations in the Wake of State Violence,” MA Thesis (University of Victoria), 2017. Available from:

Fiset, Louis, and Gail M. Nomura, eds. Nikkei in the Pacific Northwest: Japanese Americans & Japanese Canadians in the Twentieth Century. Seattle: Center for the Study of the Pacific Northwest in association with University of Washington Press, 2005.
F855.2 .J3 N55 2005

From Racism to Redress: The Japanese Canadian Experience. Toronto: Canadian Race Relations Foundation, [between 1999 and 2002]. Online document. Available from Accessed 1 June 2007. View document online

Fujiwara, Aya.  Ethnic Elites and Canadian Identity: Japanese, Ukrainians, and Scots, 1919-1971.  Winnipeg: University of Manitoba Press, 2012.
FC104 .F95 2011

Fukawa, Masako. Spirit of the Nikkei fleet: BC’s Japanese Canadian Fishermen. Madeira Park, BC: Harbour Pub., 2009.
FC3850 .J3 F85 2009

Hickman, Pamela, and Masako Fukawa.  Righting Canada’s Wrongs: Japanese Canadian Internment in the Second World War.  Toronto: James Lorimer & Co., 2011.
D768.155 .C35 H52 2011

Ikebuchi, Shelly. From Slave Girls to Salvation: Gender, Race, and Victoria’s Chinese Rescue Home, 1886-1923. Vancouver: UBC Press, 2015.
e-book; Access restricted to members of the TMU community

Kage, Tatsuo.  Translated by Kathleen Chisato Merken.  Uprooted Again: Japanese Canadians Move to Japan After World War II.  Victoria, BC: Ti-Jean, 2012.
FC106 .J3 K3413 2012

Kess, Joseph F., Hiroko Noro, Midge M. Ayukawa, and Helen Lansdowne, eds. Changing Japanese Identities in Multicultural Canada. Victoria, B.C.: Centre for Asia-Pacific Initiatives, 2003.
FC106 .J3 C42 2003

Kitigawa, Muriel. This is My Own: Letters to Wes & Other Writings on Japanese Canadians, 1941-1948. Roy Miki, ed. Vancouver: Talonbooks, 1985.
FC106 .J3 K57 1985

Landscapes of Injustice. Website for a project that seeks to trace the origin of the Canadian policy to incarcerate, relocate, and auction off the properties of Japanese Canadians living primarily in coastal communities of British Columbia during the Second World War. As well, the project seeks to explain the failure of Canadian law to protect citizens, analyze the lasting ramifications of this failure, and make these insights known to Canadians.

Lindsay, Colin. The Japanese Community in Canada, 2001. Ottawa: Statistics Canada, 2007. Electronic resource in HTML and PDF formats viewed Feb. 6, 2008.

Makabe, Tomoko. The Canadian Sansei. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1998.
FC106 .J3 M27 1998.

Makabe, Tomoko.  Picture Brides: Japanese Women in Canada.  Toronto: Multicultural History Society of Ontario, 1995.
FC106 .J3 M3 1995.  Also available online as an open access resource.

MacIntyre, Linden. Throwaway Citizens. Produced and directed by Margaret Slaght. 32 min. Toronto: Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, 1995. Videocassette.

Masutani, Hanako.  Spirit of the Issei: The Story of Tonari Gumi. Produced by members of the Tonari Gumi History Project; Hanako Masutani, project writer.  Victoria, B.C.: Ti-Jean Press, 2010
HS2190 .C33 V36 2010

McAllister, Kirsten Emiko and Mona Oikawa, eds. After Redress: Japanese Canadian and Indigenous Struggles for Justice. Vancouver: UBC Press, 2025. Forthcoming April 2025.

McAllister, Kirsten Emiko. Terrain of Memory: A Japanese Canadian Memorial Project. Vancouver: UBC Press, 2010.
FC3849 .N47 Z57 2010

Miki, Roy. Redress: Inside the Japanese Canadian Call for Justice. Vancouver: Raincoast Books, 2004.
FC106 .J3 M55 2004

Miki, Roy, and Cassandra Kobayashi. Justice in Our Time: The Japanese Canadian Redress Settlement. Vancouver: Talonbooks, 1991.
D768.15 .M53 1991

Moritsugu, Frank. Teaching in Canadian Exile: A History of the Schools for Japanese-Canadian Children in British Columbia Detention Camps During the Second World War. Toronto: Ghost-Town Teachers Historical Society, 2001.
LC3180 .B7 M67 2001

Nakayama, Gordon G.  Issei: Stories of Japanese Canadian Pioneers.  Toronto: NC Press, 1984.

Oikawa, Mona.  Cartographies of Violence: Japanese Canadian Women, Memory, and the Subjects of Internment.  Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2012.
FC106 .J3 O39 2011

Oiwa, Keibo, ed. Stone Voices: Wartime Writings of Japanese Canadian Issei. Montréal: Véhicule Press, 1991.
D810 .N3 C27 1991

Omatsu, Maryka. Bittersweet Passage: Redress and the Japanese Canadian Experience. Toronto: Between the Lines, 1992.
FC106 .J3 O42 1992

Roy, Patricia E.  Triumph of Citizenship: The Japanese and Chinese in Canada, 1941-67.  Vancouver: UBC Press, 2007.
FC3850 .C5 R688 2007

Sando, Tom. Wild Daisies in the Sand. Edmonton, Alta.: NeWest Press, 2002.
D805 .C3 S26 2002

Sakamato, Mark.  Forgiveness.  Toronto: HarperCollins, 2014.
FC106 .J3 S23 2014

SEDAI: The Japanese Canadian Legacy ProjectWebsite that features oral history video recordings, photographs and documents that recall the history of the Japanese in Canada.

Shimizu, Henry. Images of Internment: A Bitter-sweet Memoir in Words and Images: Life in the New Denver Internment Camp 1942-1946. Victoria, B.C.: Ti-Jean Press, 2008.
ND249 .S498 A4 2008

Sleeping Tigers: The Asahi Baseball Story.  Directed by Jari Osborne, 2003.
Streaming video available from the National Film Board of Canada website.

Stanger-Ross, Jordan and Pamela Sugiman, eds. Witness to Loss: Race, Culpability, and Memory in the Dispossession of Japanese Canadians. Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2017.
FC106.J3 W58 2017
E-book also available (Access restricted to members of the university community)

Switzer, Ann-Lee and Gordon Switzer.  Gateway to Promise: Canada’s First Japanese Community.  Victoria, BC: Ti-Jean Press, 2012.
FC3846.9 .J36 S94 2012

Takashima, Shizuye. A Child in Prison Camp. Montreal: Tundra Books, 1971.
D768.15 .T35 1971 (This volume was written for a juvenile audience.)

Taylor, Mary. A Black Mark: The Japanese-Canadians in World War II. Ottawa: Oberon Press, 2004.
D768.155 .C35 T39 2004

Tsang, Henry. White Riot: The 1907 Anti-Asian Riots in Vancouver. Vancouver: Arsenal Pulp Press, 2023.
HV6485.C32 V357 2023

Waiser, Bill. “Japs.” Chapter in Park Prisoners: The Untold Story of Western Canada’s National Parks, 1915-1946. Saskatoon: Fifth House, 1999.
FC540 .W35 1999

Ward, W. Peter. The Japanese in Canada. Ottawa: Canadian Historical Association, 1982.
FC106 .J3 W37 1982

Watada, Terry.  The Sword, the Medal and the Rosary.  Illustrated by Kenji Iwata.  Toronto: HpF Press and NAJC, 2013.
FC106 .J3 Z7 2013

Yoneyama, Yutaka Harold. An Evacuee’s Memoir. Toronto: Pro Familia Publishing, 2008.
FC106 .J3 Z7 2008

Young, Charles H. and Helen R. Y. Reid. The Japanese Canadians. With a Second Part on Oriental Standards of Living by W.A. Carrothers. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1938.
FC3850 .J3 Y68 1938

Korean Canadians

Korean Canadian Cultural Association. Koreans in Ontario: A Community Conference, February 7-8, 1986, Downtown Holiday Inn, Toronto, Ontario. Toronto: Korean Conference Advisory Committee, 1986.
JV6337 .K67 1986

Lindsay, Colin. The Korean Community in Canada, 2001. Ottawa: Statistics Canada, 2007. Electronic resource in HTML and PDF formats viewed Feb. 6, 2008.

Noh, Samuel, Ann H. Kim, Marianne S. Noh, eds.  Korean Immigrants in Canada: Perspectives on Migration, Integration, and the Family.  Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2012.
FC106 .K6 K67 2012

Other Asian Canadians (Ancestral origins in Central Asia (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan) and in the Middle East, formerly called Western or Southwest Asia (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Georgia, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, Yemen))

Abu-Laban, Baha. An Olive Branch on the Family Tree : The Arabs in Canada. Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, 1980.
FC106 .A65 A28

Apramiam, Jack.  The Georgetown Boys.  Edited, revised and with an introduction by Lorne Shirinian.  Toronto: Zoryan Institute, 2009.
FC106 .A7 A67 2009

Arab Women Say What? Directed by Nisreen Baker.  Montréal : National Film Board of Canada, 2023. 1 hr 22 min.
Streaming Video via the NFB website

Armenians in Ontario. Toronto: Multicultural History Society of Ontario, 1982. (Polyphony v. 4, no. 2 (fall/winter 1982))
FC3100 .A7 A75 1982.

Eid, Paul.  Being Arab: Ethnic and Religious Identity Building among Second Generation Youth in Montreal.  Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2007.
FC2947 .A65 E33 2007

Hennebry, Jenna, and Bessma Momani, eds.  Targeted Transnationals: The State, the Media, and Arab Canadians.  Vancouver: UBC Press, 2013.
FC106 .A65 T37 2013

Jabbra, Nancy W., and Joseph G. Jabbra. Lebanese. Tantallon, N.S.: Four East Publications, 1987.
FC2050 .L32 J33 1987

Jabbra, Nancy W., and Joseph G. Jabbra. Voyageurs to a Rocky Shore: The Lebanese and Syrians of Nova Scotia. Halifax: Institute of Public Affairs, Dalhousie University, 1984.
FC2350 .L32 J3 1984

Kaprielian-Churchill, Isabel.  Like Our Mountains: A History of Armenians in Canada.  Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2004.
FC106 .A7 K36 2004

Kaouk, Aïda, ed. The Lands Within Me: Expressions by Canadian Artists of Arab Origin. Gatineau, Que.: Canadian Museum of Civilization, 2003.
N6549.5 .A65 L36 2003

Kashmeri, Zuhair. The Gulf Within: Canadian Arabs, Racism, and the Gulf War. Toronto: J. Lorimer, 1991.
FC106 .A65 K38 1991

Kazemi, M. S., ed. Iranians in Ontario: A New Community in a Land of Opportunity. Toronto: Mihan Pub., 1986.
FC3100 .I5 I73 1986

Khouri, Raja G.  Arabs in Canada, Post 9/11.  Toronto: G7 Books : CAF (Canadian Arab Federation), 203.
FC106 .A65 K46 2003

Lindsay, Colin. The Arab Community in Canada, 2001. Ottawa: Statistics Canada, 2007. Electronic resource in HTML and PDF formats viewed Feb. 6, 2008.

Lindsay, Colin. The Lebanese Community in Canada, 2001. Ottawa: Statistics Canada, 2007. Electronic resource in HTML and PDF formats viewed Feb. 6, 2008.

Lindsay, Colin. The West Asian Community in Canada, 2001. Ottawa: Statistics Canada, 2007. Electronic resource in HTML and PDF formats viewed Feb. 6, 2008.

McKernan, Catherine. “Uncovered Voices: Life Stories of Lebanese Immigrants and Their Adaptation to a Northern Ontario Mining Frontier.” Ph.D. diss., University of Toronto, 2013.

Salloum, Habeeb. Arab Cooking on a Saskatchewan Homestead: Recipes and Recollections. Regina: Canadian Plains Research Center, 2005.
TX725 .M628 S24 2005

Statistics Canada. Profiles Lebanon: Lebanese Immigrants in Canada. Ottawa: Statistics Canada, 1996.
HA741.5 1991 .L43 1996

Things Arab Men Say. Directed by Nisreen Baker.  Montréal : National Film Board of Canada, 2016. 52 min.
Streaming Video via the NFB website

Waugh, Earle H. Al Rashid Mosque: Building Canadian Muslim Communities. Edmonton: University of Alberta Press, 2018.
electronic book, Access restricted to members of the Toronto Metropolitan University community

Weale, David. A Stream of Lebanon: An Introduction to the Coming of Syrian/Lebanese Emigrants to Prince Edward Island. Charlottetown, P.E.I.: Institute of Island Studies, 1988.
FC2650 .L32 W42 1988

South Asian Canadians (Ancestral origins in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Afghanistan, Bhutan, Maldives, Nepal, Sri Lanka)

Agnew, Vijay. Gender, Home, and Nation: A Century of Writings by South Asian Women in Canada. Toronto: York Centre for Feminist Research, 2003.
FC106 .S66 A46 2003

Amarnath Amarasingam. Pain, Pride, and Politics: Social Movement Activism and the Sri Lankan Tamil Diaspora in Canada. Athens, GA: University of Georgia Press, 2015.
JV8752.7 .A43 2015

Bakhshaei, Mahsa, Marie McAndrew, Ratna Ghosh, and Priti Singh, eds. The Invisible Community: Being South Asian in Quebec. Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2021.
e-book (Access restricted to members of the TMU Community)

Bains, Tara Singh, and Hugh Johnston. The Four Quarters of the Night: The Life-journey of an Emigrant Sikh. Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 1995.
FC3849 .R53 Z49 1995

Bali, Judith, and Manohar Singh Bal, eds. Sikhs in Ontario. Toronto: Ontario Council of Sikhs, 1993.
FC3100 .S55 S54 1993

Barua, D. Mitra. Seeding Buddhism with Multiculturalism: The Transmission of Sri Lankan Buddhism in Toronto. Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2019.
E-book (Access restricted to members of the university community)

Basran, Gurcharn S. and B. Singh Bolaria. The Sikhs in Canada: Migration, Race, Class, and Gender. New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2003.
FC106 .S55 B37 2003

Brar, Sandeep Singh. Century of Struggle and Sucess [i.e. Success]: The Sikh Canadian Experience. [S.l.: Sandeep Singh Brar, 1997]. Online document. Available from Accessed 22 August 2003.

Buchignani, Norman, Doreen M. Indra, with Ram Srivastiva. Continuous Journey: A Social History of South Asians in Canada. Toronto: McClelland and Stewart in association with the Multiculturalism Directorate, 1985.
FC106 .O6 B83 1985

Canada. Commission to Investigate Hindu Claims Following Refusal of Immigration Officials to Allow over 300 Hindus Aboard the S.S. Komagata Maru to Land at Vancouver. [Report] [Typescript], 1914. (Commission chair: H. C. Clogston)  Available from the Privy Council Office website on Commissions of Inquiry.

Canada. Royal Commission Appointed to Investigate Methods by which Oriental Labourers have been Induced to come to Canada.  Report of the Royal Commission Appointed to Inquire into the Methods by which Oriental Labourers have been Induced to come to Canada.  Ottawa: Government Printing Bureau, 1908.  (Commissioner: William Lyon Mackenzie King)  Available from the Privy Council Office website on Commissions of Inquiry.

Chilana, Rajwant Singh. South Asian Writers in Canada: A Bio-bibliographical Study. Surrey, BC: Asian Publications, 2017.
Z1376 .S68 C45 2017

Das Gupta, Tania. Twice Migrated, Twice Displaced: Indian and Pakistani Transnational Households in Canada. Vancouver: UBC Press, 2021.
ebook (Access restricted to members of the university community)

Desai, Sabra and Sangeeta Subramanian. Colour, Culture and Dual Consciousness: Issues Identified by South Asian Immigrant Youth in the Greater Toronto Area. Toronto: The Council of Agencies Serving South Asians (CASSA) and The South Asian Women’s Centre (SAWC), 2000. Online document. Available from Accessed 17 March 2003.

Dhamoon, Rita Kaur, and three others, eds. Unmooring the Komagatu Maru: Charting Colonial Trajectories. Vancouver: UBC Press, 2019.
E-book, access restricted to TMU Community Members.

Dogra, Ravi. Indo-Canadians. Tantallon, N.S.: Four East Publications, 1987.
FC2050 .E2 D64 1987

Ghosh, Ratna, and Rabindra Kanungo. South Asian Canadians: Current Issues in the Politics of Culture. Calgary: Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute, 1992.
FC106 .S66 G5 1992

Gundara, Jaswinder. Splintered Dreams: Sikhs in Southern Alberta. Calgary: Arusha International Development Resource Centre, 1985.
FC3700 .S55 G85 1985

Handa, Amita. Of Silk Saris and Mini-skirts: South-Asian Girls Walk the Tightrope of Culture. Toronto: Women’s Press, 2002.
FC3097.9 .S66 H35 2002

Hickman, Pamela.  Righting Canada’s Wrongs: The Komagata Maru and Canada’s Anti-Indian Immigration Policies in the Twentieth-century.  Toronto: James Lorimer & Co., 2014.
FC3847.9 .E2 H53 2014 (This volume is written for a juvenile audience.)

Hirji, Faiza. Dreaming in Canadian: South Asian Youth, Bollywood, and Belonging. Vancouver: UBC Press, 2010.
FC106.S66 H57 2010

In the Wake of the Komagatu Maru: Transpacific Migration, Race and Contemporary Art: Voices from the Exhibition Ruptures in Arrival and the Symposium Disfiguring Identity. Surrey, BC: Surrey Art Gallery in collaboration with On Main Gallery and Kwantlen Polytechnic University Fine Arts, 2015.
N6545.6 .I57 2015

Israel, Milton, ed.  The South Asian Diaspora in Ontario: Six Essays.  Toronto: Multicultural History Society of Ontario, 1987.

Israel, Milton, and N.K. Wagle, eds. South Asians in Ontario. Toronto: Multicultural History Society of Ontario, 1991.
FC3100 .S66 S65 1991.

Jagpal, Sarjeet Singh. Becoming Canadians: Pioneer Sikhs in Their Own Words. Madeira Park, B.C.: Harbour Publishing, 1994.
The Vancouver Historical Society has a PDF version available for download.

Jensen, Joan M. Passage From India: Asian Indian Immigrants in North America. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1988.
E184 .E2 J46 1988

Johnston, Hugh. The East Indians in Canada. Ottawa: Canadian Historical Association, 1984.
FC106 .E2 J64 1984

Johnston, Hugh. The Voyage of the Komagata Maru: The Sikh Challenge to Canada’s Colour Bar. Delhi: Oxford University Press, 1979.
JV7285 .S5 J63

Johnston, Hugh. The Voyage of the Komagata Maru: The Sikh Challenge to Canada’s Colour Bar. Expanded and fully revised ed. Vancouver: UBC Press, 2014.
online only; access restricted to TMU community

Johnston, Hugh J. M. Jewels of the Qila: The Remarkable Story of an Indo-Canadian Family. Vancouver: UBC Press, 2011.
FC106 .S55 J631 2011

Kazimi, Ali. Passage From India. Produced by White Pine Pictures. Producer Peter Raymont. 23 min. Distributed in Canada by McNabb & Connolly, 1997. DVD/Videocassette.
Audio Visual FC106 .E2 P37 1998

Kazimi, Ali.  Undesirables: White Canada and the Komagatu Maru: An Illustrated History.  Vancouver: Douglas & McIntyre, 2012.
FC3847.9 .E2 K39 2012

Kienlen, Alexis. Truth, Love, Non-violence: The Story of Gurcharan Singh Bhatia. [Edmonton?]: Alexis Kienlen, 2014.

Lindsay, Colin. The East Indian Community in Canada, 2001. Ottawa: Statistics Canada, 2007. Electronic resource in HTML and PDF formats viewed Feb. 6, 2008.

Lindsay, Colin. The South Asian Community in Canada, 2001. Ottawa: Statistics Canada, 2007. Electronic resource in HTML and PDF formats viewed Feb. 6, 2008.

Macauliffe Institute of Sikh Studies. Sikh Canadians: The Promise and Challenge. Produced by T. Sher Singh. 12 min. Macauliffe Institute of Sikh Studies, 1988. Videocassette
Audio-Visual FC106 .S55 S5 1988

Muhammedi, Shezan. Gifts from Amin: Ugandan Asian Refugees in Canada. Winnipeg: University of Manitoba Press, 2022.
E-Book (Access restricted to members of the university community)

Naidoo, J. C. Research on South Asian Women in Canadian Context. Waterloo: Wilfrid Laurier University, 1980.
FC106 .S66 N34 1980

Nasser-Bush, Merun Hussein. “Differential Adjustment Between Two Indian Immigrant Communities in Toronto: Sikhs and Ismailies.” Ph.D. diss., University of Colorado, 1974.
FC3100 .E2 N267 1973

Nayar, Kamala Elizabeth.  The Punjabis in British Columbia: Location, Labour, First Nations and Multiculturalism.  Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2012.
FC3850 .P36 N39 2012

Nayar, Kamala Elizabeth. The Sikh Diaspora in Vancouver: Three Generations Amid Tradition, Modernity, and Multiculturalism. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2004.
FC3847.9 .S55 N39 2004

Newsom, Kathryn. The Saint Soldier. Produced by Kathryn Newsom, R. Paul Dhillon. Produced by Rocky Cove Pictures. 45 min. Moving Images Distribution, 1999. Videocassette.
Audio-Visual FC3847.9 .S55 S34 1999

Ontario. South Asian Heritage Act, 2001. S.O. 2001, c. 29. Available online from the Government of Ontario website. Accessed 19 May 2015.

Puran Singh. The Tragedy of Komagata Maru: The Sikh Challenge to Canadian Immigration Politics (1897-1920). Vancouver, BC: Canadian Sikh Study & Teaching Society, 2015.
FC106 .S66 P865 2015

Ralston, Helen. The Lived Experience of South Asian Immigrant Women in Atlantic Canada: The Interconnections of Race, Class, and Gender. Lewiston, NY: Edwin Mellen Press, 1996.
HQ1453 .R35 1996

Schaefer, Ewald. South Asian Canadian Collection.  Toronto: Multicultural History Society of Ontario, 1986.  (MHSO Ethnic Collection Series ; no. 2)

Sikh Heritage Museum of Canada. website.

Singh, Jarnail, ed. Sikh Women’s Seminar 1985. Willowdale, Ont.: Sikh Social and Educational Society, 1985.
FC106 .S55 S55 1985

Singh, Jarnail, and Hardev Singh, eds. Proceedings of the Sikh Heritage Conference 1981. Willowdale, Ont.: Sikh Social and Educational Society, 1982.
FC106 .S55 S55 1981

South Asians in Ontario.  Toronto: Multicultural History Society of Ontario, 1990. (Polyphony v. 12 (1990))

Southeast Asian Canadians (Ancestral origins in Burma, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei, Indonesia, Timor-Leste and the Philippines)

Aranas, Marcial Q. The Dynamics of Filipino Immigrants in Canada. Edmonton: M.Q. Aranas, 1983.
FC106 .F4 A73 1983

Bonifacio, Glenda Tibe.  Pinay on the Prairies: Filipino Women and Transnational Identities.  Vancouver: UBC Press, 2013.
FC3250 .F4 B65 2013

Boti, Marie, and Sr. Florchita Bautista. Brown Women, Blond Babies. 28 min. Productions Multi-Monde/Le Vidéographie, 1991. Videocassette.

Beiser, Morton. Strangers at the Gate: The ‘Boat People’s’ First Ten Years in Canada. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1999.
FC106 .S66 B44 1999

Boat People No Longer: Vietnamese Canadians.  Online Exhibition at the Museum of Canadian History (formerly the Canadian Museum of Civilization).

Campbell, Thanh. Orphan 32. Hamilton, Ont.: Hope for the World Productions, 2013.
DS559.8 .C53 C36 2013

Coloma, Roland Sintos, et al., eds.  Filipinos in Canada: Disturbing Invisibility.  Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2012.
FC106 .F4 F55 2012

Dorais, Louis-Jacques, Lise Pilon-Lê, and Nguyên Huy. Exile in Cold Land: A Vietnamese Community in Canada. New Haven, CT: Yale Southeast Asia Studies, 1987.
FC106 .V54 D67 1987

Equity in Ontario: The Filipino-Canadian Perspective, November 7, 1987, Toronto, Ontario: Conference Report. Toronto: Ontario Race Relations Directorate, 1987.
FC3100 .F4 E64 1987

Grandea, Nona. Uneven Gains: Filipina Domestic Workers in Canada. Ottawa: Philippines-Canada Human Resource Development Program, 1996.
HD6072.2 .C3 G73 1996

Kwok-bun, Chan. “Family and Diaspora.” Ch. in Hybridity: Promise and Limits. Whitby, ON: DeSitter Publications, 2011.
HM1272 .K96 2011

Lindsay, Colin. The Filipino Community in Canada, 2001. Ottawa: Statistics Canada, 2007. Electronic resource in HTML and PDF formats viewed Feb. 6, 2008.

Lindsay, Colin. The Vietnamese Community in Canada, 2001. Ottawa: Statistics Canada, 2007. Electronic resource in HTML and PDF formats viewed Feb. 6, 2008.

Marshall, Alison R. Bayanihan and Belonging: Filipinos and Religion in Canada. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2018.
BX1422.M2 M37 2018

McLellan, Janet. Cambodian Refugees in Ontario: An Evaluation of Resettlement and Adaptation.  North York: York Lanes Press, 1995.
FC3100.C27 M25 1995

McLellan, Janet. Cambodian Refugees in Ontario: Resettlement, Religion, and Identity. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2009.
FC3100.C27 M26 2009

Molloy, Michael J., and Peter Duschinsky, Kurt F. Jensenm and Robert J. Shalka. Running on Empty: Canada and the Indochinese Refugees, 1975-1980. Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2017.
electronic book, access restricted to TMU Community members

Pfeifer, Mark Edward. “”Community”, Adaptation and the Vietnamese in Toronto.” Ph.D. diss., University of Toronto, 1999.
Available from Proquest Dissertations and Theses

Philippine Women Centre of B.C. Canada, the New Frontier for Filipino Mail-order Brides. Ottawa: Status of Women Canada, 2000. [Also available as an online document.]
HQ1236.5 .C3 C32 2000. View document online

Statistics Canada. Profiles Philippines: Immigrants From the Philippines in Canada. Ottawa: Statistics Canada, 1996.
HA741.5 1991 .P55 1996

Statistics Canada. Profiles Vietnam: Immigrants From Vietnam in Canada. Ottawa: Statistics Canada, 1996.
HA741.5 1996 .P76 1996

Vietnamese Canadian Senior Citizens Association of Ottawa-Hull. We Want to Live. Ottawa: Vietnamese Canadian Senior Citizens Association of Ottawa-Hull, 1985.
FC3096.9 .V53 W4 1985

When Strangers Reunite. Producers: Malcolm Guy, Michelle Smith. Directors: Marie Boti, Florchita Bautista. Executive producer: Sally Buchner. 52 min. National Film Board of Canada, 2006, 1999. DVD.
Audio visual HD6072.2 .C3 W53 2006