Byron Abalos is a Filipino Canadian playwright, actor, and producer from Toronto. He earned a BFA in Theatre Acting from Toronto Metropolitan University, and was an inaugural Bob Curry Fellow at Second City. Abalos is the Director of Development and Artist Educator for Studio 180 Theatre in Toronto.

Through the Bamboo
Co-author: Andrea Mapili.
Toronto: Playwrights Canada Press, 2021.
Forthcoming June 2021.
Publisher’s Synopsis (From its website)
Twelve-year-old Philly is literally pulled into an action-packed adventure while mourning the loss of her lola when she opens an old book and finds herself tossed into the fantastical land of Uwi.
In Uwi, memories are stories, and all stories are forbidden since the datu’s storytelling-loving wife died and his youngest daughter Nale disappeared. Now his remaining daughters, the Three Sisters, rule with darkness in their hearts. So when Philly appears, the duwende believe that she is Nale and the key to saving the kingdom. Can Philly save Uwi while searching for her lola to bring her back home?
Similar to The Wizard of Oz, The Chronicles of Narnia, and Alice in Wonderland, this unique Filipinx Canadian tale inspired by Philippine mythology shows the value of keeping memories alive and explores how families deal with loss.
Publisher Playwrights Canada Press