Issa J. Boullata was born in Jerusalem, Palestine in 1929. He studied at the University of London, eventually earning a PhD in Arabic literature in 1969. He taught Arabic studies in Hartford, Conn. before moving to Montreal where he taught at the Institute of Islamic Studies, McGill University. He has published several books about Arabic literature, the Qur’an, and translated Arabic literature into English. Some of his works have been translated into English. Boullata died in May 2019.

Fiction (Short stories)
True Arab Love: Stories
Westmount, Quebec: Linda Leith Publishing, 2016.
PS8603 .O9388 T78 2016
Publisher’s Synopsis (from its website)
Abdallah’s encounter with the military governor on the eve of his departure for America opens this collection of stories, and Khalil al-Ibrahami’s moving search for his lost fiancée in Jerusalem closes the collection. In between, Issa J. Boullata’s stories show what it’s like to be an Arab from Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, or Egypt making a new life as an immigrant in Canada or the United States. This is what it is, to be displaced. This is what it is to leave your home and start over in a new country.

Non-fiction (Memoir)
The Bells of Memory: A Palestinian Boyhood in Jerusalem
Westmount, Quebec: Linda Leith Publishing, 2014.
DS109.93 .B67 2014