Wai Mei Wong was born in Hong Kong and now lives in Toronto. Wong is an early childhood educator.

Fiction (Juvenile, Picture book)
Courage Every Day

Fiction (Juvenile, Picture book)
Hello, Dark
Illustrated by Tamara Campeau.
Toronto: Pajama Press, 2021.
Publisher’s Synopsis (From its website)
A little boy faces his fear of the dark by engaging in a conversation with it. Imagining the dark as a friendly shadow creature, the boy comes to the realization that the dark is not only a necessary part of life, but that it can be fun as well! The boy and his new friend play make believe, meditate, and listen to music until it’s finally time to fall asleep.

Fiction (Juvenile, Picture book)
I Love Myself
Illustrated by Julia Vasileva
Victoria, BC: Orca Book Publishers, 2024.
Publisher’s Synopsis (From its website)
Even an ordinary day is full of little challenges, especially when you’re a kid. Like when you’re learning to ride a bike and you still need training wheels…so the other kids ride past you. Or when you jump in a mud puddle…but you fall in and get your pants wet. Luckily you can learn to be kind to yourself with a bit of practice.
In this sweet picture book we accompany a child through their day, from morning to bedtime, as their inner self—portrayed as a cuddly imaginary creature—supports them in their endeavors. Some are harder than others, but the positive message of the text highlights how you can love yourself through big feelings, try something different, say no, and so much more.