Valerie Kaiyang Wood was born in China and adopted to Canada as a baby. Her experience as a transracial adoptee informs her picture book Vee in Between. Wood lives in Ottawa and works as a museum curator.

Fiction (Juvenile, Picture book)
Vee in Between
Illustrated by Angela Poon.
Toronto: Second Story Press, 2023.
Publisher’s Synopsis (From its website)
Vee’s favorite bedtime story is the night she met her parents. When Vee was nine months old, they flew to China to bring her home. But when she struggles to keep up in Chinese dance class and a woman at the grocery store makes Vee feel like she doesn’t belong, her white parents don’t always understand. Vee wants to embrace every part of herself, but it’s hard when it feels like she has to choose. With help from another adoptee, can Vee find a way to celebrate being in between?
Publisher Second Story Press