Tasha Nathan graduated from York University with a degree in sociology and a diploma in counseling of abused women and children. She is a contributor to the online lifestyle magazine, TamilCulture. Nathan lives in Toronto and is completing a certificate in marketing from Toronto Metropolitan University.

Fiction (Young adult)
Follow Your Heart
Toronto: James Lorimer, 2017.
Publisher’s Synopsis (From its website)
Nisha has always been a good Tamil daughter. She tries to keep her grades up so she can meet her parents’ high expectations of her. They want her to become a doctor or an engineer, and of course she is not allowed to be in a romantic relationship while she is still a teenager. Nisha has discovered that what she really loves to do is write. As she devotes more of her time and attention to her creative writing class, she also finds that who she really loves is her classmate Todd. How can Nisha get her parents to understand that she needs to live her own life? And when she has to choose between her dreams of life on her own terms and being with Todd, how can Nisha decide where her true feelings lie?

Fiction (Juvenile, Picture book)
No Monster in the Closet
Illustrated by Peter M. R. Gosling.
[]: AuthorHouse, 2012.
Publisher’s Synopsis (from its website)
Not available.
Publisher James Lorimer & Company