Sneha Madhavan-Reese’s award winning poetry has been widely published in literary magazines in North America and Australia. She earned a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering from MIT in 2000, and a master’s degree in mechanical engineering from the University of Michigan in 2002. Madhavan-Reese is a native of Detroit, Michigan and currently lives in Ottawa, Ontario.

Elementary Particles
Kingston, ON: Brick Books, 2023.
Publisher’s Synopsis (From its website)
Through keen, quiet observation, Sneha Madhavan-Reese’s evocative new collection takes us from the wide expanse of rural India to the minute map of Michigan we carry on the palms of our hands. These poems contemplate ancestral language, the wonder and uncertainty of scientific discovery, the resilience of a dung beetle, the fleeting existence of frost flowers on the Arctic Ocean.
The collection is full of familiar characters, from Rosa Parks to Seamus Heaney to Corporal Nathan Cirillo, anchoring it in specific moments in time and place, but has the universality that comes from exploring the complex relationship between a child and her immigrant parents, and in turn, a mother and her children. Elementary Particles examines the building blocks of a life — the personal, family, and planetary histories, transformations, and losses we all experience.

Observing the Moon
Regina: Hagios Press, 2015.
PS8626 .A32 A6 2015
Publisher’s Synopsis (from its website)
Sneha Madhavan-Reese is an exciting new voice in the Canadian poetry scene. Madhavan-Reese’s imagery is lyric, potent and painterly, creating sensory experiences that shimmer with light and humanity while probing the darkness of a sometimes paradoxical world. Perhaps the most moving work in the book concerns the journey of a new mother and her reconnection with the changed world. These poems of family and generational memory are incisive, mature, confident, and savvy in their awareness of the multiple contradictions of cultural desire.
Sneha Madhavan-Reese personal website
Publisher Brick Books
Publisher Radiant Press, (distributes or absorbed Hagios Press)