Sanna Wani is a poet who lives in Mississauga, Ontario and Srinagar, Kashmir. Her chapbook The Pink of the Seams, published by Penrose Press is no longer available. Wani is the publicity and promotions manager and poetry editor at Fernwood Publishing.

My Grief, the Sun: Poems
[Toronto]: House of Anansi Press, 2022.
PS8645.A655 M9 2022
Publisher’s Synopsis (From its website)
Sharply political and frequently magical, these poems reach for everything from Hayao Miyazaki’s 1997 film Princess Mononoke to German Orientalist scholarship on early Islam. In these often intimate poems, every verse invokes ode and elegy. Love and grief sit side by side. My Grief, the Sun listens carefully to the world’s breathing, addresses the endless and ineffable you, and promises enough joy and sorrow to keep growing.
From concrete to confessional poem, exegesis to erasure, the Missinnihe River in Canada to the Zabarwan Mountains in Kashmir, Waniundoes and complicates genre and gathers the world between the poet’s hands.
Awards and Honours
2023 Gerald Lampert Memorial Award (League of Canadian Poets)(Finalist)
2023 Trillium Book Award for Poetry (Winner)
Selected Criticism and Interpretation
Wani, Sanna. Interview with Tali Voron. The Ampersand Review of Writing & Publishing. No. 5 (Winter 2024), p. 78-84.
Sanna Wani personal website
Publisher House of Anansi Press
Publisher Penrose Press – Out of print highlights