Sanjay Talreja was born and raised in India. He began a career in film-making with a focus upon documentaries in India, and later in the USA and Canada. He teaches documentary and media related classes at the University of Windsor. Talraj co-edited Strangers in the Mirror: In and Out of the Mainstream of Culture in Canada (TSAR, 2004.)

Fiction (Short Stories)
Downward This Dog
Toronto: Mawenzi House, 2017.
PS8639 .A47 A6 2017
Publisher’s Synopsis (from its website)
These sardonic, wry stories set in Toronto and various parts of India describe the lives of immigrants – ordinary people whose lives may or may not be linked. Compassionate and playful too, they look at the paradoxical spaces in which ordinary people find themselves, and weave historical order in which to locate their characters within a larger universe. The characters in this collection include a disgruntled yoga teacher; a school custodian who has lost a winning lottery ticket; a young woman whose dentist may be touching her inappropriately; a disillusioned retiree obsessed by food, a chef dreaming of a chain of restaurants; a man who has turned away from religious fundamentalism.
Interview with Diaspora Dialogues: “Emerging Author of the Month: Sanjay Talreja” (3 June 2013)
Publisher Mawenzi House (formerly TSAR)