Sangeeta Wylie is a dentist, actor and playwright based in Vancouver, B.C.

We the Same
Vancouver: Talonbooks, 2024.
On order
Publisher’s Synopsis (From its website)
Inspired by a true story, we the same opens in 1979 Việt Nam, where six children and a mother become separated from their father and husband as they flee their homeland by boat. Against all odds, they survive pirate attacks, typhoons, and starvation, ending up shipwrecked on a desert island. Thirty-five years pass, and the mother at last shares heartfelt secrets and an unbelievable story with her daughter … allowing the past to be escorted into the present.
Oscillating between humour, romance, and devastation, this powerful debut play explores the aftermath of the Vietnam War from a Vietnamese perspective. Its central threads tell of intergenerational healing, alienation and estrangement from peers, family relationships, and hope overcoming adversity.
Publisher Talonbooks