Roshan James is a Tibetan-Indian multidisciplinary artist, poet, and musician who was born in Scarborough, ON and now lives in Southwestern Ontario. James earned a B.A.Hon in English literature from York University and did further studies in English literature and economics at Queen’s University and English literature and philosophy at the Centre for Medieval Studies, University of Toronto.

Art of the Unknown
Roshan James, 2018.

Roshan James, 2020.
In Breaking, Roshan James uses simple, soulful words and poetic micro-stories to explore the liminal space wherein we move through conditioning, masking, and unlearning to find presence, belonging, and new meaning.

Pink Moon: Poems
Toronto: MISFIT/ECW Press, 2023.
e-book (Access restricted to members of the university community)
Publisher’s Synopsis (From its website)
Pink Moon is part anthem of decolonization, part oracle of the times. Earthy, magical, and steeped in ancestral connection, Roshan James fuses her lived experience as a Tibetan-Indian born in Scarborough, Ontario, with a tangible connection to nature, humanity, and realms of consciousness. Growing up in the South Asian diaspora, but feeling disconnected from her cultural roots, James makes peace with the tension between her self-identities through poetry.
With lyrical ease and simplicity, James resonates off the page, holding the reader in a space, almost trance-like, of quiet confidence. Infused with street-style and deep contemplation, ancient tones and child-like questioning, this collection is a journey through abstract expression. Pink Moon sits at an intersection of timely themes: anti-oppression, melanated lived experience, climate action, social justice, and personal spirituality.

This Is My Story, This Is My Song
WestBow Press, 2017.