Fiction (Short stories)
The Forbidden Purple City
Frederiction, NB: Goose Lane Editions, 2019.
PS8615 .U96 F67 2019
Publisher’s Synopsis (from its website)
Taking the title for his debut collection of short fiction from the walled palace of Vietnam’s Nguyen dynasty, Philip Huynh dives headfirst into the Vietnamese diaspora. In these beautifully crafted stories, crystalline in their clarity and immersive in their intensity, he creates a universe inhabited by the deprivations of war, the reinvention of self in a new and unfamiliar settings, and the tensions between old-world parents and new-world children. Rooted in history and tradition yet startlingly contemporary in their approach, Huynh’s stories are sensuously evocative, plunging us into worlds so all-encompassing that we can smell the scent of orange blossoms and hear the rumble of bass lines from suburban car stereos.
Awards and Honours
2020 George Ryga Award for Social Awareness in Literature (Finalist)
2020 City of Vancouver Book Award (Finalist)
Anthology (Short stories)
The Journey Prize Stories: The Best of Canada’s New Writers. 25
Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, 2013.
PS8329 .J68 2013
Huynh, Philip. “Gulliver’s Wife.” In The Journey Prize Stories: The Best of Canada’s New Writers. 25, selected by Miranda Hill, Mark Medley, Russell Wangersky. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 2013, 39-68.
“Gulliver’s Wife” originally appeared in the literary journal The New Quarterly. It was runner-up for the journal’s 2012 Peter Hinchcliffe Fiction Award and was shortlisted for The Journey Prize 2013.