Peggy Lampotang was born in Mauritius but now lives in Toronto, Canada. In addition to writing, Lampotang is an artist and photographer. Lampotang graduated from the Fashion Design program at Toronto Metropolitan University. She studied creative writing at the University of Toronto, and studied photography with Philip Lim in Montreal. Lampotang is at work on a collection of short stories.

The Coral Heart: A Shopkeeper’s Journey
Trou d’eau Douce, Ile Maurice: Atelier d’écriture, 2014.
PS8623 .A4888 C67 2014
Publisher’s Synopsis
In 1911, impoverished Hakka Chinese immigrants arrive on the tropical island of Mauritius in the Indian Ocean. Among the newcomers, a hungry child. The hard-working boy helps his father, a shopkeeper and surrenders his earnings to him according to Chinese tradition. While he serves the islanders, the young man ingeniously builds the business, negotiates his way through racial divisiveness, and falls in love. But his trust in the old system is put to test … This work of fiction unfolds during the overthrow of the Chinese Emperor, the rise of communism, the Japanese invasion of China, and the First and Second World Wars.

Island Lovers: Poems and Images of Mauritius
Toronto: Design 51 Inc., 2016.
All photographs by Peggy Lampotang.
PS8623 .A4888 I86 2016
Synopsis (from Lampotang’s website)
Evocative poetry and photography that offer a unique perspective on the island of Mauriitus, its history, its people and its lush tropical landscape.
Peggy Lampotang personal website