Translated by Antonio D’Alfonso.
Translation of Anniversaire.
Victoria, BC: Ekstasis Editions, 2019.
Publisher’s Synopsis (From its website)
A Syrian writer living in Montreal, René Shems is also a specialist of Canadian history. After participating in a celebration organized in his honor, Shems decides to send letters to friends and colleagues. He also writers to his ex-wife, his daughter living in the U.S.A., and a past lover. Through this letters the reader meets a successful man. And yet once the letters sent, Shems questions his own success and works. Celebrations contains wonderful pages on culture shock, but also interesting thoughts on love, friendship, urban living, people, and cultures. Naim Kattan has produced a marvelous work of fiction and ideas.
Fiction (Autobiographical)
Farewell, Babylon
Translated by Sheila Fischman.
Translation of Adieu, Babylon.
Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, 1976.
PS9571 .A88 A7313
Publisher’s Synopsis

Translated by Norman Cornett & Antonio D’Alfonso.
Translation of Farida.
Montreal: Guernica Editions, 2015.
On order
Publisher’s Synopsis (From its website)
In this classic love story featuring passion, jealousy and murder, and set in pre-World War II Iraq, Farida, a Jewish woman and cabaret singer, struggles for survival and her freedom in a world on the edge of upheaval and on which falls the dark shadow of war.
Fiction (Short stories)
The Neighbour and Other Stories
Translated by Judith Madley and Patricia Claxton.
Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1982.
“Stories … selected from Dans le désert … and La traversée.”
PS9571 .A88 N4 1982
Publisher’s Synopsis
Fiction (Autobiographical)
Paris Interlude
Translated by Sheila Fischman.
Translation of Les fruits arrachés.
Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, 1979.
Publisher’s Synopsis
Reality and Theatre
Translated by Alan Brown.
Translation of Le Réel et le théâtral.
Toronto: Anansi, 1972.
CB427 .K3813
Awards and Honours
1971 Prix France-Canada (winner)
Reading Writers Reading: Canadian Authors’ Reflections
Kattan, Naïm. “La lecture.” In Reading Writers Reading: Canadian Authors’ Reflections. Danielle Schaub, photographer and ed. Edmonton: University of Alberta Press, 2006, 124-125.
Selected Criticism and Interpretation
Dahab, F. Elizabeth. “From Baghdad to Montréal via Paris: Naim Kattan and His Multiple Reality.”In her Voices of Exile in Contemporary Francophone Canadian Literature. Lanhan: Lexington Books, 2009.
PS9089.5.I5 D35 2009
Greenstein, Michael. “Iraquébec: Naïm Kattan’s Trans-mimetic Diaspora.” In Textualizing the Immigrant Experience in Contemporary Quebec, eds. Susan Ireland and Patrice J. Proulx. Westport, CT: Praeger, 2004, 117-126.
PQ3917 .Q3 T49 2004
Jama, Sophie. Les temps du nomade: itinéraire d’un écrivain: entretiens avec Naïm Kattan. Montréal : Liber, 2005.
PS9571.A872 Z467 2005
Miska, John. Ethnic and Native Canadian Literature : A Bibliography. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1990, 204-206.
PS8089.5.I6 Z76 1990
Xavier, Subhagnana. “The Economy of the Migrant Text: Theorizing a French Literature of Migration”.” Ph.D. diss., The University of Wisconsin – Madison, 2007.
Available from Proquest Dissertations and Theses
Profile by Jacques Cotnam in the Canadian Encyclopedia online
Publisher Ekstasis Editions
Publisher Guernica Editions
Obituary by Janice Arnold from the Canadian Jewish News, July 6, 2021
Memorial by Pierre-Etienne Caza in L’actualités UQAM, July 6, 2021