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Mirabel is the pen name used by Avleen Kaur Mokha for her creative writing. Born in Mumbai, India, Mirabel moved to Montreal to pursue a B.A. in English Literature and Linguistics at McGill University. According to her LinkedIn profile, Mokha is currently pursuing a clinical degree in Speech-Language Therapy.

Poetry (Chapbook)

Dream Fragments

Montreal: Cactus Press, 2020.


The Vanishing Act (& The Miracle After)

Toronto: Guernica Editions, 2023.
PS8626.O448625 V36 2023

Publisher’s Synopsis (From its website)

The Vanishing Act (& The Miracle After) is an existential meditation on grief, the kind which pins you down and minimizes you. The first half of the collection, The Vanishing Act, captures the ruminations of a mind which feels limited physically and spiritually. The imagery in this section intermingles magic and violence as the speaker confronts systemic issues as a middle-class woman, a person of colour, and a survivor of abuse.The second section, (& The Miracle After), offers a fresh perspective on recovery. In this section, the speaker revisits images of bodily harm. Objects previously used for violence are brought back to a state of benign normalcy. As spring arrives, the speaker contemplates renewal and the paradoxical nature of taking agency of her life, while knowing the act of survival is made possible only because of miraculous intervention.


Publisher Cactus Press

Publisher Guernica Editions

Riley Palanca’s interview “Five Questions for: Mirabel” from the Quebec Writers’ Federation website