Minh Ly is a Toronto-based actor and playwright. He studied acting at Studio 58 in Vancouver.

Ga Ting
Winnipeg: Scirocco Drama, 2017.
PS8623 .Y23 G3 2017
Publisher’s Synopsis (from its website)
Ga Ting, which means “family” in Cantonese, is a powerful and emotionally charged story about an immigrant Chinese couple trying to come to terms with the suicide of their son, Kevin. When they invite Kevin’s Caucasian boyfriend for dinner after the funeral, the evening devolves into a fiery cultural and generational clash.
Minh Ly’s poignant play explores one family’s struggle to accept their son as he was, not as they wished him to be.
“Ga Ting (Family.” In Q2Q: Queer Canadian Performance Texts, ed. Peter Dickinson, C.E. Gatchalian, Kathleen Oliver, and Dalbir Singh. Toronto: Playwrights Canada Press, 2018, 97-157.
PS8309 .H64 Q28 2018
Selected Criticism and Interpretation
Chang, Eury Colin. “Queering Genre and Tragic Communitas in Minh Ly’s Ga Ting (Family).” In Q2Q: Queer Canadian Theatre and Performance, ed. Peter Dickinson, C.E. Gatchalian, Kathleen Oliver, and Dalbir Singh. Toronto: Playwrights Canada Press, 2018, 184-207.
PS8169 .H6 Q82 2018
Minh Ly personal website
Publisher Scirocco Drama (an imprint of J. Gordon Shillingford Pubishing)