Although born in India, Maria Marianayagam is a Tamil Sri Lankan Canadian engineer and children’s author. She grew in Nigeria and across Canada and now lives in Alberta. She earned a B.Sc. in Chemical Engineering from the University of Calgary and worked in the energy industry for a decade. In addition to publishing board books and a middle grade novel, Marianayagam also wrote a non-fiction book, illustrated by Skylar White, entitled The Amazing Power of Girls (Naperville, IL: Sourcebooks eXplore, 2024).

Fiction (Juvenile, Board books)
Baby Virtues Series
Text by Maria Marianayagam.
Art by Kat Uno.
Baby Courage. WorthyKids, 2024.
Baby Faith. WorthyKids, 2025.
Baby Hope. WorthyKids, 2024.
Baby Love. WorthyKids, 2024.
Publisher’s Synopsis for the series (From its website)
The Baby Virtues series introduces babies and toddlers to the fundamentals of Christian faith and biblical virtues. Each book in the series personifies a virtue as a lovable character and uses action-oriented language and recognizable settings to explore the importance of the virtue in an accessible manner appropriate for the youngest child.

Fiction (Juvenile, Middle grade)
No Purchase Necessary
Toronto: HarperCollins, 2025.
Publisher’s Synopsis (From its website)
Ajay Anthonipillai has a million-dollar problem.
Ajay has lived his life dutifully following the rules set by his Tamil parents. Rules like, “straight A’s only” (rule #3), “no such thing as a no-homework day” (rule #5), and “never watch scary movies” (rules #10). But moving to a new school gives Ajay a new rule to follow: get on seventh grade all-star Jacob Underson’s good side.
When Jacob asks him to steal a Mercury bar from Scary Al’s convenience store, Ajay feels this is his chance to finally “get cool” and gain real friends. Maybe even stop eating lunch alone. But Jacob rejects the stolen chocolate bar, leaving Ajay to unwrap it and discover that it contains Mercury’s Twenty-fifth Anniversary Grand Prize: one million dollars!
Faced with an extreme dilemma, Ajay will have to bear the weight of his actions and battle his conscience in deciding whether to claim the prize that may change the life of his family forever.

Fiction (Juvenile, Picture book)
Wait ‘Til You’re Older
Pictures by Irina Avgustinovich.
Napier, IL: Sourcebooks eXplore, 2025.
Synopsis (From the author’s website)
Reha despises the present, because her older brother won’t let her play with his dinosaur toy until she’s older. To solve this problem, she decides to build a time machine so she can get bigger faster. But even though she does everything her time travel book says, she can’t seem to get it right. Then in her last attempt to get what she needs, her brother asks if he can help. And Reha starts to wonder if perhaps the present could be okay after all?
Maria Marianayagam personal website
Publisher HarperCollins Canada
Publisher Sourcebooks
Publisher WorthyKids, an imprint of Hachette Group