Maidah Ahmad is a British Canadian author and educator who was born and raised in London, UK but now lives in Barrie, Ontario. Ahmad earned a graduate degree in Political Science from the University of London and worked briefly with the foreign office of the UK Government. Ahmad’s parents are from Pakistan and her grandparents are from India.

Fiction (Juvenile, Picture book)
Muhammad’s Recipe for Remembering
Illustrated by Shruti Prabhu.
Toronto: Annick Press, 2024.
Publisher’s Synopsis (From its website)
Muhammad wants to take part in his school’s assembly to honor veterans, but no one in his community, let alone his family, has been involved in the World Wars . . . have they? After discussions with his family and elders at his mosque, Muhammad starts to piece together his family’s lost history, and realizes that you don’t need a trophy or medal to remember those you’ve lost–it can be as simple as sharing a piece of roti.