Maha Zimmo was born in Libya of Palestinian descent. She earned an MA in International Legal Theory and used to write political analysis for some online magazines.

The Incense(d) Heart
[Allahabad, India]:, 2020 [i.e. 2021].
Publisher’s Synopsis (From its website)
This exquisite collection of poems from Palestinian-Canadian Maha Zimmo presents the reader with jewelled vignettes from Zimmo’s lived experiences of relationships under conditions of diaspora, misogyny, and challenges to and of faith. The politics of friendships, lovers, and bodies are sinuously interwoven with fragrant imagery symbolizing the continuity of family history.
As much as this collection is an homage to love, survival, and enduring faith and connection, it is also a fierce indictment of racism, toxic relationships, sexist misogyny, the misappropriation of Islam, and the wounds that such oppressions leave upon the bodies, spirits, and an entire people.

Rose-Water Syrup
[Allahabad, India]:, 2019.
Publisher’s Synopsis (From its website)
These poems in the poetry collection have an impressive simplicity of style devoid of archaic and artificial diction. The chief interest of these poems is the employment of imagery with extraordinary effectiveness.