Lino Leitão was born in Goa and studied at Karnataka University in India. He moved to Uganda in the early 1960s and taught there for a few years until hostility towards Asians forced him to emigrate once again. Leitao moved to Canada and settled in Quebec. Some of his works appeared in literary journals such as The Toronto South Asian Review and The Journal of South Asian Literature. He died in January, 2008.
Fiction (Short stories)
Collected Short Tales
New York: Carleton Press, 1972.

Fiction (Short stories)
The Gift of the Holy Cross
Leeds, England: Peepal Tree, 1999.
Publisher’s Synopsis (from its website)
The Gift of the Holy Cross explores Leitão’s conviction that the Goan roots of the struggle for freedom were swamped by the Indian invasion and then betrayed by its political leaders.
Fiction (Short stories)
Goan Tales
Cornwall, Ont.: Vesta Publications, 1977.
Fiction (Short stories)
Six Tales
Cornwall, Ont.: Vesta Publications, 1980.
Publisher Peepal Tree Press