Alexis Kienlen is a native of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. Her ethnic heritage includes Chinese, French, German and English/Scottish. She holds a degree in International Studies from the University of Saskatchewan and a Graduate Diploma in Journalism from Concordia University in Montreal. In addition to journalism, Kienlen writes and publishes poetry and fiction.

Calgary: Frontenac House, 2011.

She Dreams in Red
Calgary, Alta.: Frontenac House, 2007.
Publisher’s Synopsis (From its website)
She Dreams in Red is the story of journeys – from China to Canada, to Indonesia, to Mongolia into the mysteries of the human heart and romantic relationships.
Exploring the author’s unique cultural background and history, travels and encounters with love and loss, these poems attempt to make sense of the world with simple images painted in clean brushstrokes.

Mad Cow
Vancouver: Now or Never Publishing, 2020.
Publisher’s Synopsis
Told from two points of view–a mother and her daughter–Mad Cow examines farming life in small-town Alberta, a life fourteen-year-old Allyson wants only to escape. Meanwhile her mother, Donna, dealing with her own assortment of problems and setbacks, soldiers on through the daunting days. But when a strange affliction starts picking off the local cattle, everything changes, and when tragedy strikes the extended family, life as they know it is seemingly over forever. Now Donna and Allyson must work together to keep the family and the farm intact, all while dealing with overwhelming grief and the fact their once thriving livelihood is failing.