Winston Christopher Kam was born in Trinidad and Tobago of Chinese descent. Several of his plays have been performed on stage or on the radio, and he has published short stories in anthologies including Many-Mouthed Birds, and, Strike the Wok. Kam lives in Canada. His influences are Chinese, Caribbean, and Canadian. “Bachelor-Man” was first performed in 1987.

Anthology (Drama)
Love + Relasionships. Volume 1
Kam, Winston Christopher, “Bachelor-Man.” In Love + Relasianships: A Collection of Contemporary Asian-Canadian Drama. Volume 1, ed. Nina Lee Aquino. Toronto: Playwrights Canada Press, 2009, 55-110.
PS8309 .A75 L68 2009

Anthology (Short story)
Many Mouthed Birds
Kam, Winston Christopher, “Mabel’s Hockey Game.” In Many Mouthed Birds: Contemporary Writing by Chinese Canadians, edited by Bennett Lee & Jim Wong-Chu. Vancouver: Douglas & McIntyre, 1991, 136-159.

Anthology (Short story)
Strike the Wok
Kam, Winston C., “The Re-education of Ah Mow and His Subsequent Undoing Thereof.” In Strike the Wok: An Anthology of Contemporary Chinese Canadian Fiction, edited by Lien Chao and Jim Wong-Chu. Toronto: TSAR Publications, 2003, 175-182.
PS8235.C5 S77 2003
Selected Criticism and Interpretation
Chao, Lien. “Bachelor-Man: “A Silence Crying Out to be Broken” in Canadian Theatre.” Chap. in her Beyond Silence: Chinese Canadian Literature in English. Toronto: TSAR, 1997, 66-87.
PS8089.5 .C47 C52 1997
Goellnicht, Donald. “Kai-Dai: Staging Queer Subjectivity in Winston Christopher Kam’s Bachelor-Man.” In Asian Canadian Theatre, ed. Nina Lee Aquino and Ric Knowles. Toronto: Playwrights Canada Press, 2011, 223-235.
PS8089.5 .A8 A835 2011
Yoon, Jean. “Chinese Theatre in Canada: The Bigger Picture.” Canadian Theatre Review 110 (2002), 5-11.
reprinted in
“Ethnic,” Multicultural, and Intercultural Theatre, ed. Ric Knowles and Ingrid Mündel. Toronto: Playwrights Canada Press, 2009, 94-105.
PN2301 .E85 2009