Jasmin Kaur is an elementary school teacher and arts facilitator who leads creative writing workshops for children. She is a writer, illustrator, and spoken work artist living in Vancouver. Kaur earned a BA in English with an emphasis on creative writing at the University of the Fraser Valley and is enrolled in the MFA program in creative writing at the University of British Columbia.

Poetry, Prose and Illustrations
When You Ask Me Where I’m Going
New York: HarperCollins, 2019.
Publisher’s Synopsis
The six sections of the book explore what it means to be a young woman living in a world that doesn’t always hear her and tell the story of Kiran as she flees a history of trauma and raises her daughter, Sahaara, while living undocumented in North America.
Delving into current cultural conversations including sexual assault, mental health, feminism, and immigration, this narrative of resilience, healing, empowerment, and love will galvanize readers to fight for what is right in their world.

If I Tell You the Truth
New York: HarperCollins, 2021.
Publisher’s Synopsis (From its website)
In this stunning sophomore novel, acclaimed writer Jasmin Kaur explores trauma, fear, courage, community, and the healing power of love in its many forms.
Kiran flees her home in Punjab for a fresh start in Canada after a sexual assault leaves her pregnant. But overstaying her visa and living undocumented brings its own perils for both her and her daughter, Sahaara.
Sahaara would do anything to protect her mother. When she learns the truth about Kiran’s past, she feels compelled to seek justice—even if it means challenging a powerful and dangerous man.
Awards and Honours
2022 Amy Mathers Teen Book Award (Finalist)