Janie Hao is an illustrator who graduated from the Honours Bachelor of Illustration at Sheridan College in Oakville, Ontario. She also holds a Bachelor of Science specializing in Immunology and Infection from the University of Alberta. Hao currently lives in the Greater Toronto Area.

Fiction (Juvenile, Picture book)
Mad at Dad
Toronto: Kids Can Press, 2024.
Publisher’s Synopsis (From its website)
When a girl gets SO MAD at her dad, she starts to storm around and slam doors, but soon realizes she doesn’t really like being mad. She tries everything she can think of to be less mad. Counting. Taking deep breaths. Drawing some pictures. But it is so hard to NOT be mad! A long day of being mad really wears the girl out, though, and that makes her sad. And, strangely enough, when the girl is sad, her dad is pretty good at making her feel better!