Peter Jailall was born in Guyana. He is a poet, teacher, and storyteller, and social activist who lives in Mississauga, Ontario where he was a teacher with the Peel Board of Education. Jailall was a finalist for the 2002 Mississauga Arts Award in the category of Established Literary Artist. Also that year, he completed an M.A. at the University of Toronto with a thesis entitled: The Challenge of Language and Literacy in Guyanese Schools. In recent years, Jailall has utilized the self-publishing services of In Our Words Inc. to publish a work of non-fiction entitled Jottings: A Teacher’s Logbook (2014), an anti-bullying picture book, illustrated by Shirley Aguinaldo, entitled: STOP! STOP! Don’t be a Bully (2015), and a new volume of poetry: Sacrifice: Poems on the Indian Arrival in Guyana (2017). In the fall of 2020, Jailall was awarded the third Pakaraima Literary Award for his longstanding contributions in literature and the arts. Pakaraima is the Guyanese Canadian Writers and Artists Association.

Sacrifice: Poems on the Indian Arrival in Guyana: New and Selected Poems
Streetsville, ON: In Our Words Inc., 2017.
PS8569 .A414 A6 2017

This Healing Place and Other Poems
Toronto: Natural Heritage/Natural History, 1993.
PS8569 .A414 T45 1993
When September Comes and Other Poems
Toronto: Natural Heritage Books, 2003.
PS8569 .A414 W54 2003
Publisher’s Synopsis
Peter Jailall continues his search for the place called home in his third volume of poetry, exploring the “open, dangerous” landscape of a post-September 11th world. In this climate of globalization, none are untouched by the threats of terrorism or the spoils of modernization and its effect on our environment. … Peter’s unique gift for the blending of language — from Caribbean-accented English to Hindi — allows him to paint beautiful dichotomies between the Guyana of his birth, and the Canada that is his current home.
Yet Another Home: Poems
Toronto: Natural Heritage/Natural History, 1997.
PS8569 .A414 Y48 1997
Jailall member profile from the Writers’ Union of Canada website
Publisher Dundurn Press
Publisher Natural Heritage Books
Publisher In Our Words Inc.