When Hartley Lin began publishing comics in an undergraduate student newspaper at McGill University, he wanted to keep this creative outlet a secret from his classmates and therefore published under a pseudonym. Later, while working for the Ontario government, he began publishing his indie comic Pope Hats under the pseudonym Ethan Rilly. His debut graphic novel Young Frances, issued under Lin’s true name, was first serialized in Pope Hats. This highly acclaimed comic was awarded Doug Wright, Ignatz, and Joe Schuster awards. It is now published and distributed by AdHouse Books. Lin/Rilly also has a growing body of freelance illustration credits. Born in Toronto, Lin now lives in Montreal.

Fiction (Graphic novel)
Young Frances
Richmond, VA: AdHouse Books, 2018.
PN6733 .L56 Y68 2018
Publisher’s Synopsis (From its website)
Ma misses the sun, warmth and colors of their faraway homeland, but her daughter sees magic in everything — the clouds in the winter sky, the “firework” display when she throws an armful of snow into the air, making snow angels, tasting snowflakes. And in the end, her joy is contagious. Home is where family is, after all.
After insomniac law clerk Frances Scarland is recruited by her firm’s most notorious senior partner, she seems poised for serious advancement—whether she wants it or not. But when her impulsive best friend Vickie decides to move to the opposite coast for an acting role, Frances’ confusing existence starts to implode…
An intimate study of work chaos and close friendships over time.
Awards and Honours
2018 The Globe 100 (Globe and Mail, 1 Dec. 2018)
2019 Doug Wright Awards–Best Book (Winner)

The Taddle Creek Book
Lin, Hartley. “Ex Montreal.” In The Taddle Creek Book, edited by Conan Tobias. Toronto: Vitalis Publishing, 2023, 216-219. [From Taddle Creek, no. 25, 2010.]
in cataloguing
Publisher Adhouse Books
Hartley Lin’s Pope Hats website
Deconstructing Comics Podcast #554 Ethan Rilly, with Koom Kankesan