Griffin Ondaatje is a Canadian-born writer and documentary filmmaker who now live in Cambridge, Ontario. In the past he worked with World Literacy of Canada in development education.
Fiction (Juvenile)
The Mosquito Brothers
Illustrated by Erica Salcedo.
Toronto: Groundwood, 2015.
Publisher’s Synopsis (from its website)
After he nearly drowns in a parking-lot puddle, Dinnn Needles is fearful of many things, including flying. When his four hundred siblings swarm off without him, he finds time to dream —about family stories, a lost brother, adventure in The Wild and, above all, how to be cool. …
Accompanied by quirky line drawings by Spanish illustrator Erica Salcedo, this is a gently humorous and remarkably informative nature-adventure story about an unlikely pointy-nosed hero with big dreams and an even bigger heart.

Fiction (Juvenile, Picture book)
Muddy: The Raccoon Who Stole Dishes
Illustrations by Linda Wolfsgruber.
New York: NorthSouth Books, 2019.
Publisher’s Synopsis (from its website)
Muddy the raccoon loves leftovers–and he likes to eat them on plates. “Our son’s a picky eater,” his parents say.
When Muddy gets caught, the oldest, wisest raccoon insists he make amends. But when all 27 raccoons enter the restaurant to return Muddy’s stolen plates, what happens next is not what anyone expects.
Juvenile, Picture book
The Camel in the Sun
Pictures by Linda Wolfsgruber.
Toronto: Groundwood Books, 2013.
Publisher’s Synopsis.
Inspired by a retelling of a traditional Muslim hadith, or account of the words or actions of the Prophet, which the author first heard in Sri Lanka, this is the story of a camel whose cruel owner only realizes what suffering he has caused when the Prophet appears and shows love to the animal.

The Monkey King and Other Stories
Edited by Griffin Ondaatje. Illustrations by David Bolduc.
Toronto: HarperCollins, 1995.
PS8329 .M65 1995
In addition to writing the introduction, Griffin Ondaatje contributed the following stories: “The Resting Hill” p.47-53, “The Dog Who Drank From Socks” p. 81-84, “Scarless Face” p. 119-127, “Garuda and the Snake” p. 141-148, and, “The Camel Who Cried in the Sun” p. 219-224.