Suparna Ghosh graduated from the Delhi University with a Bachelor’s degree in English, economics and mathematics. She worked in broadcasting for a time in India prior to moving to Canada. Ghosh worked as an adjudicator for more than two decades before focusing upon painting and writing poetry. She is a founding member of the Art Bar Poetry Series that has operated in Toronto since 1991. Ghosh lives in Toronto.

Dots and Crosses
Shelburne, Ont.: Battered Silicon Dispatch Box, 2006.
Publisher’s Synopsis
This is an epic poem about love and loss and love regained, about life and death and death regained, that knows no end. It was written with deft touches and deep feeling by Suparna Ghosh who has included, as well, her drawings and painting. Dots and Crosses has a cyclic quality or dimension rare in contemporary art that leaves the reader and viewer with the sense that he or she has either read the words before or experienced the moods, feelings and situations they dramatize.

Battered Silicon Dispatch Box, 2016.

Sandalwood Thoughts: A Collection of Poems and Drawings
Shelburne, Ont.: Battered Silicon Dispatch Box, [2004?]