Flo Leung is an illustrator living in Toronto. The Tray of Togetherness is her debut as an author-illustrator.

Fiction (Juvenile, Picture book)
The Blue Bowl
Toronto: Owlkids Books, 2024.
Forthcoming March 2024.
Publisher’s Synopsis
Max loves his family’s Cantonese meals. But sometimes he can’t help thinking about French fries, tacos, and ice cream with rainbow sprinkles. For his birthday dinner, Max is really hoping for spaghetti and meatballs, but instead he and his family are headed to Maa Maa and Ye Ye’s house for a celebration dinner. He’s delighted to discover that his understanding family has discovered a way to bring two cultures together with delicious dishes that are a combination of all the foods he loves.

Fiction (Juvenile, Picture book)
The Tray of Togetherness
Toronto: Owlkids, 2022.
Publisher’s Synopsis (From its website)
A little girl and her family are hosting a New Year party, an event marking the Lunar New Year. There’s a lot to do before the guests arrive! First, a trip to the market to fill up the Tray of Togetherness, a special candy box for the partygoers. Each of the eight lucky snacks in the Tray has an auspicious meaning: peanuts for a long life, pistachios for happiness, candied coconut for strong family ties…As the family returns home, they pass out delicious good wishes to the friends and neighbors they meet along the way.
After the tray has been prepared and the decorations set up, it’s time for the party! A diverse group of relatives and friends gathers, ready to celebrate the New Year with the Tray of Togetherness.