Farah Qaiser was born and raised in Saudi Arabia and now lives in Mississauga, Ontario. Qaiser earned a BSc in molecular biology and chemistry from the University of Toronto, Mississaugua campus, and a MSc degree from the University of Toronto’s Department of Molecular Genetics. Her research involved sequencing and analyzing DNA from different individuals to better understand neurological disorders like epilepsy. Qaiser is a strong advocate for women in STEM. She is the director of research and policy for the organization Evidence for Democracy.

Fiction (Juvenile, Picture book)
Khadija and the Elephant Toothpaste Experiment
Co-author: Hajer Nakua.
Illustrated by Natalya Tariq.
Toronto: Second Story Press, 2024.
Publisher’s Synopsis (From its website)
Khadija is inspired by her visit to the science fair. There are so many different scientists all wearing safety goggles and lab coats! But how come none of them are wearing a hijab?
After watching a scientist carry out the elephant toothpaste experiment, Khadija attempts to recreate it at home with mixed (and messy!) results. Surrounded by her family as they celebrate Eid, Khadija tries again….
“Salaam everyone, and Eid Mubarak!” she cries. “When I grow up, I’m going to be a scientist!”