Eric Choi is an aerospace engineer and a science fiction writer and editor living in Toronto, ON. Choi was born in Hong Kong. He holds a bachelor’s degree in engineering and a master’s degree in aerospace engineering from the University of Toronto, and an MBA from York University in Toronto. Choi’s short fiction has appeared in numerous magazines and anthologies.

Fiction (Short stories)
Just Like Being There: A Collection of Science Fiction Short Stories
Cham, Switzerland: Springer, 2022.
Series: Science and Fiction
Publisher’s Synopsis (From its website)
Just Like Being There is the first collection of science fiction stories by award-winning author and aerospace engineer Eric Choi spanning his 25 year writing career. The stories are “hard” science fiction in which some element of engineering or science is so central there would be no story if that element were removed. Story topics include space exploration, artificial intelligence, virtual reality, cryptography, quantum computing, online privacy, mathematics (statistics), neuroscience, psychology, space medicine, extra-terrestrial intelligence, undersea exploration, commercial aviation, and the history of science. A special feature of the book is that each story is followed by an “Afterword” that explains the underlying engineering or science. This collection will entertain and inform all aficionados of science and science fiction.

Anthology (Short story)
Choi, Eric. “Túshūguăn.” In AlliterAsian: Twenty Years of Ricepaper Magazine, edited by Julia Lin, Allan Cho, and Jim Wong-Chu. Vancouver: Arsenal Pulp Press, 2015, 229-[242].
First published in Ricepaper 19, no. 8 (2014)

Carbide Tipped Pens
Edited by Ben Bova and Eric Choi.
New York: Tor Books, 2014.
Choi, Eric. “She Just Looks that Way.” p. 256-281.

The Dragon and the Stars
Edited by Derwin Mak and Eric Choi.
New York: DAW Books, 2010.
Choi, Eric. “The Son of Heaven.” p. 205-227.
Synopsis of the Anthology (by Derwin Mak)
The Dragon and the Stars is the first collection of science fiction and fantasy stories written by ethnic Chinese living outside of China. It features new fiction from Chinese writers in Canada, the United States, the Philippines, Singapore and Hong Kong.
Awards and Honours
2011 Prix Aurora Award — Best Related work in English (Winner)

Imaginarium 4: The Best Canadian Speculative Writing
Toronto: ChiZine Publications, 2016.
Choi, Eric. “Tushuguan.” Imaginarium 4: The Best Canadian Speculative Writing, eds. Sandra Kasturi and Jerome Stueart. Toronto: ChiZine Publications, 2016.
Eric Choi personal website
Publisher Arsenal Pulp Press
Publisher DAW Books
Publisher Tor / Forge
Publisher Springer