Emma Chen was born in China and immigrated to Canada. She lived in Saskatoon for six years and worked as a lecturer in early literacy and children’s literature at the University of Saskatchewan. Now located near the Canada-US border, Chen is a Ph.D. candidate (Curriculum Studies, University of Saskatchewan) and assistant professor of elementary education at Western Washington University.

Fiction (Juvenile, Picture book)
Molly Misses Nainai
Illustrated by Sean Huang.
Leaside, ON: Red Deer College Press, 2023.
Publisher’s Synopsis (From its website)
Molly’s grandmother has returned to China because her visa is up. Molly misses Nainai, and the space between them seems immense until a familiar lullaby, shared through screen time, brings them together again.
This is a poignant family story about immigration, grandparent-grandchild connections, and the ties that bind. Evocative, digital illustrations beautifully locate time and place with careful detail and engaging colours.